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本研究以台北縣市中等學校為研究範圍,體育組長為研究對象,探討其對體育運動風險因子之風險衡量及風險管理策略因素重要性之認知。 本研究以郵寄問卷調查方式,對台北縣市244所之中等學校體育組長進行普測,採用平均數、標準差、t考驗及單因子變異數分析進行資料處理。所得研究結果如下: 一、中等學校體育組長認為各體育運動風險因子,在造成運動傷害的發生機率及傷害的嚴重程度,是屬於中等的程度。 二、中等學校體育組長認為各體育運動風險因子之衡量,是屬於中度風險。 三、中等學校體育組長對體育運動風險管理的策略因素皆有高度的重視。 四、不同「性別」之中等學校體育組長對體育運動風險衡量之認知差異,未達顯著水準(p>.05);而不同的「年齡」、「教學年資」、「有無兼任教練」、「最高學歷」、「縣市」及「學校別」之體育組長,對體育運動風險衡量之認知差異,則達顯著水準(p<.05)。 五、不同「年齡」、「有無兼任教練」、「最高學歷」及「縣市」之中等學校體育組長對體育運動風險管理策略因素重要性之認知差異,未達顯著水準(p>.05);而不同「性別」、「教學年資」及「學校別」之體育組長,對風險管理策略因素重要性之差異,則達顯著水準(p<.05)。 六、中等學校體育運動風險管理計畫應包括以下幾項: (一)訂定風險管理計畫之目標;(二)確認體育運動風險因子;(三)擬定風險管理策略;(四)設置體育運動危機處理小組;(五)訂定運動意外事故處理程序;(六)編訂風險管理計畫實施準則;(七)架設緊急醫療系統聯絡網;(八)聘請法律顧問及保險經紀人;(九)危機處理及傷害處理之訓練。 有鑑於此,中等學校體育組長應加強對體育運動風險管理之認知,落實風險管理策略之應用,建立並確實執行中等學校體育運動風險管理計畫,以達到學校體育運動零風險的終極目標。
This study based its scope of research on secondary high schools in Taipei Area. The subjects of this study were the PE supervisors of secondary high schools. And the purposes of the study aimed at exploring the acknowledgements about risk measurement and the importantly managing strategies in physical activities. The study preceded its test on the PE supervisors of secondary high schools in Taipei Area with mailed questionnaires. This study used means, standard variation, t-test and one-way ANOVA for data analysis. The results were as follows: 1. The occurring rate of risk factors in physical activities and the level of injuries for risk factors causing sports injuries are, in Liker-type Scale, in "moderate" status. 2. The PE supervisors of secondary high schools consider the risk factors as in "moderate" status. 3. The PE supervisors of secondary high schools give weight highly to the strategies of risk management. 4. There is no significant difference found in different "Gender" of the PE supervisors for the aspect of physical activity risk measurement(p>.05); there is significant difference found in PE supervisors of different "Age", "Years of Teaching", "Coaching as a Second Job", "Highest Diploma", "School Location in City or County" and "School Level in Administration"(p<.05). 5. There is no significant difference found in different "Gender", "Couching as a Second Job", "Highest Diploma" and "School Location in City or County" of the PE supervisors for the aspect of physical activity risk measurements(p>.05); there is significant difference found in PE supervisors of different "Gender", "Years of Teaching" and "School Level in Administration"(p<.05). 6. The plan for risk management strategies should contain the following: (1)Set up goals of risk management plan;(2)Recognize the risk factors in physical activities;(3)Draft risk management strategies;(4)Establish the team for physical activities crisis;(5)Conclude the standard procedure for handling sports injuries and incidents;(6)Set up practicing norms for risk management plan;(7)Build up a medical care system for emergent contacts;(8)Engage Professionals, law advisers and insurance staffs as brain trusts;(9)Train for the crisis management and injuries cares. Based on this, the PE section chiefs should increase their acknowledgement about risk management in physical activities, carry out the risk management strategies and ascertain the fulfillment of the risk management plan, in order to reach the ultimate goal of "Zero Risk " in physical activities.



中等學校, 風險衡量, 風險數值, 風險管理策略, Secondary High School, Risk Measurement, Value at Risk, Risk Management Strategy





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