
dc.contributorTai-Hwa Emily Luen_US
dc.contributor.authorLo, Fang-Lingen_US
dc.description.abstract現階段台灣身心障礙國中學生主要是安置在融合教育環境與普通班同儕一起就學,然相較於普通班學生,身心障礙學生有較高的比例遭受同儕霸凌。故本研究旨在探討國中融合教育中身心障礙受凌學生遭受霸凌現況、原因及輔導歷程,以作為未來防制霸凌輔導策略的參考。 本研究採行動研究法,分為兩階段。第一階段主要是透過與身心障礙受凌學生、導師、霸凌學生及較不排斥受凌者的普通班同儕等人訪談,輔以檔案文件及觀察,蒐集資料並進行分析,以能瞭解身心障礙受凌學生遭受霸凌的現況及原因,並初擬防制霸凌輔導架構及內容。第二階段乃是在實務服務現場實施防制霸凌輔導策略,藉以透過實際執行輔導策略的歷程,修正擬定出更為具體可行之防制霸凌輔導架構及內容。 研究結果,主要可分從身心障礙受凌學生遭受霸凌的現況、原因及輔導歷程等三方面,加以說明。 一、 遭受霸凌的現況方面 1、 身心障礙受凌學生主要是遭受到肢體霸凌、言語霸凌及關係霸凌等傳統校園霸凌類型;且身心障礙受凌學生在班上是不受歡迎的人,遭受到班上大多數普通班同儕霸凌。 2、 普通班同儕可依霸凌行為分為顯性霸凌學生及隱性霸凌學生。顯性霸凌學生人數較少、霸凌行為明顯,而隱性霸凌學生則佔全班人數眾多,不僅姑息霸凌行為亦有進行較為隱微霸凌行為(如孤立、排擠)。 二、 遭受霸凌的原因方面 1、 身心障礙學生部份: 身心障礙受凌學生本身學業相關表現不佳、舉止怪異、社交技巧差、干擾上課、未能遵守團體秩序等影響他人行為以致成為班上不受歡迎的人,激發同儕霸凌行為。 2、 導師部份 導師以「弱化身心障礙受凌學生引發同情」的方式處理霸凌問題,可能會貶抑身心障礙受凌學生,使其與普通班同儕的勢力更顯得不均等;而導師有的會以言語責備等負向管教方式,可能成為同學仿效對待身心障礙受凌學生的方式。 3、 資源班部份 資源班所提供服務,無論是以影片賞析或學習單教導社交技巧或是學科加強內容的特教服務,皆未能直接改善身心障礙受凌學生遭受霸凌情形。 除了上述因素,當班上已形成一股冷漠姑息氣氛將身心障礙受凌學生視作圈外人時,普通班同學不想對受凌學生表示友善以免也遭受同儕排擠,讓身心障礙受凌學生在班上更顯得孤立。 三、 防制霸凌輔導架構及內容方面 防制霸凌輔導架構及內容方面,依導師、普通班同儕、霸凌學生及受凌學生等不同角色施以各種輔導策略。 1、 導師部份 透過與導師進行溝通對話以改善管教或是提升處理霸凌能力,並在受凌學生與普通班同儕發生衝突,持續提供導師諮詢,共同輔導以改善受凌學生的人際相處情形。 2、 普通班同儕部份 以班級輔導改正「負向制裁受凌學生」的霸凌行為轉為「正向幫助受凌學生」的友善行為。 3、 霸凌學生部份 以「幫助其與受凌學生和平共處」為輔導重點,並以讚美、銷過等作為霸凌學生持續改進行為的動力。 4、 受凌學生部份 在導師、班級同儕甚至是霸凌學生多方面已共同改善霸凌行為之下,受凌學生也逐漸改進自己的行為,然仍時而發生衝突,故持續提供受凌學生個別輔導以協助其能因應融合教育中各種人際衝突與困難。 最後分別依研究結果應用、未來相關研究及針對眾平國中等三方面提供建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this thesis was to explore the status, cause and mentoring process for students with disabilities being bullied by the peers in inclusive classes of a junior high school. Action research was used in two phases of this study. Phase I focused on the understanding of bully problems through interviews with bullied students with disabilities, teachers, bullying students and those same class peers of the regular classroom who were not so much excluding those being bullied. Related files, documents and observations were also collected and analyzed for understanding the current status and the causes of being bullied. After that, an draft anti-bully mentoring program was formulated based on the findings. Phase II focused on the implement of the draft anti-bully mentoring program and its revision process for setting up a more concrete and feasible bully prevention mentoring program for them. The main findings of this study were as follows: Ⅰ. Current status for students with disabilities being bullied 1. The primary bullying behaviors they concurred were traditional campus types such as physical bullying, verbal bullying and relational bullying. 2. Peers in the inclusive classroom could be divided into students of dominant and latent bullying types. Although dominant bullying type students were just a few but showed obvious bullying behaviors. Majority in the whole class were latent bullying types of tolerating the bullying behaviors and participating in esoteric bullying behaviors (such as isolation and exclusion) as well. Ⅱ. Causes for students with disabilities being bullied 1. Poor academic performances, bizarre behaviors, poor social skills, interference in the class, failures to comply with community norms were the major causes for being bullied. The above behaviors could cause them becoming dislike persons and could instigate peer bullying behaviors. 2. Teachers applied the approach of “weakening the stance of students with disabilities to incite compassion” to deal with bully issues and it could belittle students with disabilities which would further aggravate the unevenness as opposed to the peer strength in regular classroom. Additionally, teachers using abusive language could also be mimicked by other students toward students with disabilities. 3. The services provided by resource classroom teachers were mainly by showing videos, one-on-one teaching of social skills, or pull out program of remeding academic courses, which could not alter the bullying situations suffered by students with disabilities. Ⅲ. Implementing process of the anti-bully mentoring program 1. In teacher aspect, I communicated and counselled them to enhance the discipline skills and to raise the level of capability in handling bully. 2. In peer aspect, a transforming of the bully behavior by negatively punishing the bullied students into the friendly behaviors by positively assisting the students being bullied. 3. In the bullying student aspect, the mentoring was focused on assisting the efforts to peacefully coexisting with the bullied students and by praising and erased the mistakes made before as drives of maintaining good behaviors. 4. For the students being bullied, they gradually changed their own behaviors under the premise of joint enhancements towards bully behaviors by the teachers, class peers and even the bullying students. Sometimes the conflicts were still persisted, therefore, it is recommended that continuing student mentoring should be provided in the future. At last, suggestions were made according to the above findings for future implementation.en_US
dc.subjectInclusive educationen_US
dc.subjectStudents with disabilitiesen_US
dc.subjectSchool bullyen_US
dc.titleA study of the bullying victimization and metoring process of junior high school students with disabilities:take one junior high school setting as an example.en_US


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