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隨著時代的進步,人們生活和疾病型態也隨著改變,臺灣和全世界一樣都面臨人口結構快速老化的議題,值得我們重視的是如何積極面對老化所衍生的健康問題,在中高齡時期即養成好的健康生活習慣,以達到健康老化,在老年時擁有較佳的生活品質。 本研究旨在瞭解中高齡者擷取健康資訊行為、自覺健康狀況及健康促進生活型態之現況及其差異,研究對象為大臺北地區年齡45歲到64歲的中高齡者,以魏米秀、呂昌明「健康促進生活型態簡式量表」為研究工具,採用網路問卷方式,取得有效問卷671份,回收率為76%。 本研究結果顯示:使用資訊產品的中高齡者擁有較佳的健康生活,與健康促進生活型態有顯著差異;以自我實現層面表現最好,健康責任表現較差;研究結果也顯示自覺健康狀況愈佳者,則其健康促進活型態愈好,成顯著的正向關係。 建議未來研究方向也可以納入政府健康平臺數據分析,或是增加資訊產品介入效果的研究。找出有效協助中高齡者養成良好健康習慣的方法,並重視健康促進行為的落實,提升老年生活的品質。
With the progress of times, human lives and disease patterns had also changed. Taiwan and other countries in the world were all facing the problem of rapid aging of the population structure. It was important and deserve more attention was how to actively face the health problems caused by aging. Also, to develop good healthy living habits in the period of middle age, would be helpful to achieve healthy aging and had a better quality of life in elder. The purpose of this study was to understand the current situation and differences of health information retrieve behavior, self-conscious and the promotion of healthy lifestyle among middle-aged and older adults. The study was for aged 45 to 64 in the Greater Taipei area, using Mi-Hsiu, Wei and Chang-Ming, Lu 「short-form Chinese Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile」 was a research tool. Internet questionnaires were used to obtain 671 valid questionnaires with a recovery rate of 76%. The results of this study show that middle-aged and older adults who used 3C products have a better and healthy life, and were significantly different from those who belong to the “promotion of healthy lifestyle”; the best was their perform at the self-actualization, and poorer perform at the health responsibilities; the results also show that their conscious health status was higher. The better health promotion and the positive perform, had a significant positive relationship. It suggested that future research directions could also be included in the government health platform data analysis, or to increase the research on the intervention effect of 3C products. Found ways to effectively assisted middle-aged adults to develop good health habits, and paid attention to the implementation of health promotion behaviors to improve the quality of old-age life.



中高齡, 健康資訊行為, 自覺健康狀況, 健康促進生活型態, 穿戴式裝置, 資訊產品, middle-aged, health behavior, self-conscious, promotion of healthy lifestyle, wearable devices, 3C





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