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數位設計課程能激發學生的想像力,進而引導學生多元的創造力與創意發想。本研究希望透過教學改變,藉由數位設計與分享資源,啟發學生創新思考的能力。本研究主要在探討「 ATDE 創造思考教學數位設計」課程對資優生創造力表現之影響。研究者服務於金門,相對於大都市的孩子,他們的資源是較為缺少的,利用科技縮短城鄉差距,這是身為離島資優教師的責任以及教學重點。由於適合國小的創造思考教學數位設計課程目前尚無前例可參考,因此研究者設計了一學期32周五個階段的數位設計課程教學,以了解資優生的學習情況及改變歷程。由於研究對象有限,只有12個學生,所以希望藉由以質性研究為主,量化研究為輔兩種資料,能夠更全面地看待研究的問題。量化資料主要依據陶倫斯創造思考測驗圖形版前、後測、創意繪圖作品前、後測與實驗教學完畢3D作品,資料以專家共識評量、各組互評的方式呈現,量化資料分析後經過平均數的比較、t 考驗與描述性統計分析,以作為學習歷程的分析參考,也是質性資料的客觀依據。質性資料蒐集主要包括:各階段學生作品、各階段學習評量、學生訪談、助理教師觀察記錄與教師省思日誌六大類,蒐集到的資料經過三角校正以提高信度與效度。本研究結論有三: 一、實施ATDE創造思考教學模式數位教學後,學童在創造力表現有明顯不同,提升了學童流暢力、獨創力、精密力等各項創造力。 二、融入ATDE創造思考教學模式數位教學策略,學童於課堂的表現是正向且有所進步的,在教學活動時有著高度學習動機,學習態度亦趨向正向積極,懂得發揮團結合作的精神,學會尊重與自我不同的見解,並欣賞別人的想法。 三、接受「ATDE創造思考教學模式數位設計」課程之資優班學生進行作品設計,能激發更多學習回饋,且能刺激學生作品的獨創性。 從研究結論來看,本課程設計教學有助於資優生創作力的具體表現。希望本研究能作為未來數位設計與創作力課程教學的研究參考。
Digital design courses can stimulate students' imagination, and then guide students' diverse creativity and creative thinking. This study hopes to inspire students' ability to think innovatively through the teaching changes of digital design and sharing resources. The purpose of this study is to make a“ATDE Creative Training in Digital Design” Course for promoting gifted students' Creative Expression. Since the authors of this study Serving in Kinmen, this study take Kinmen elementary school gifted students as the research target. Compared with children in big cities, their resources are relatively inadequate. Using technology to shorten the gap between urban and rural areas is the responsibility and teaching focus of a rural school gifted teacher. Unfortunately there are currently no related creative thinking teaching digital design courses available and suitable for elementary school. Therefore, the researchers designed a one-semester digital design course, which can be divided into five stages, 32-week to understand the learning situation and change process of gifted students. Due to the limited number of suitable research objects, only 12 students participated in this study. Consequently, in order to comprehensively examine the research question, this study is mainly qualitative research, supplemented by quantitative research.Quantitative data are mainly based on the pre-test, post-test of Torrance Creative Thinking Test and creative drawing works. In addition, the 3D works after the experimental teaching was quantified through consensual assessment peer evaluation. Analyzed by descriptive statistics and paired sample t-test, this research obtains the reference data of learning process as the objective basis of qualitative data. Qualitative data collection mainly includes six categories: student works at each stage, learning assessment at each stage, student interviews,assistant teacher observation records, and teacher reflection diary. The collected qualitative data were corrected by triangulation to improve the reliability and validity.This main findings of the study are as the followings: 1. After implementing the digital teaching of ATDE creative thinking teaching mode, schoolchildren show significant improvement in creative expression, which includes students' fluency, originality, precision and other creativity. 2. ATDE creative thinking teaching mode incorporate digital teaching strategies can positively improve the performance of students in the classroom. It can improve students' learning motivation in teaching activities, encourage students to have a positive learning attitude, know how to play unity and cooperation, and learn to respect different opinions and appreciate the ideas of others.3. The work of students who have taken“ATDE Creative Training in Digital Design” Course have more learning feedback and can stimulate the originality of student works.According to research, the design teaching course is helpful for gifted students to express their creativity. This study hopes to be used as a research reference for the teaching of digital design and creativity courses in the future.



ATDE創造思考教學模式, 資優生, 數位教學, 創造力表現, 作品設計, Creativity, ATDE (Asking, Teaching, Doing, Evaluation)., Gifted students, Digital teaching, Creativity expression, Work design





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