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為了探尋一般民眾在我國全民運動政策下之休閒性身體活動契機,本研究從新移民女性之身體活動經驗出發,藉其特殊的階級、性別、族群與流移處境,思索現行全民運動政策與民眾現實生活的連結。據此,研究者從建制民族誌(institutional ethnography)方法論著手,一方面對受訪者之身體活動經驗進行深度訪談,另方面則針對政府體育政策作修辭分析,並進而探討個人經驗與宰制階層論述間的關係。研究結果的呈現從個別新移民女性的身體活動經驗展開,在個別受訪者走路、爬山、游泳與仰臥起坐以及騎單車的活動情境脈絡中,研究者察覺雖然受者的原住國經驗影響其休閒觀念、健康促進觀念以及身體活動之意義,但在跨國遷徙的環境適應歷程中,受訪者的身體活動實踐與現居地生活條件緊密連結,融合在地生活條件而發展出特有的身體活動形式,原住國經驗之影響逐漸消退。此外,政府全民運動政策之施政作為對於新移民女性的身體活動參與決策則幾乎沒有影響。根據上述研究結果,研究結論處從「多元認同與休閒性身體活動」以及「全民運動與休閒性身體活動」兩方面展開討論,最後分別就實務操作與未來研究兩方面提供意見,並提供個人研究省思。
The purpose of this study was to explore Taiwan citizens’ accessibility to government’s implementation plans of sport for all. To this end, institutional ethnography was conducted to reveal marriage immigrants’ everyday experiences in physical activities in relation to the policy discourses and implementation. For data collection, on one hand, in-depth interview was used to collect their lived experience in physical activities, while on the other hand discourse analysis was applied to examine the policy statements regarding sport for all. The research findings showed that walking, mountain-hiking, swimming and sit-ups as well as bike-riding were the physical activities that informants participated in most often. As for the factors influencing their participation decisions, although past cultural experiences had in some way affected informants’ attitudes toward leisure, health promotion, and physical activities, however, as time moved on, the influences of past cultural experiences declined, and the living condition at current stage became the most critical factor influencing informants’ participation in physical activities. On top of this, the government’s implementation plans of sport for all almost had nothing to do with marriage immigrants’ leisure-time physical activities. Based on afore-mentioned findings, the researcher brought up the conclusion with “multiple identities and leisure-time physical activities” and “sport-for-all and leisure-time physical activities”. Also, suggestions for practical implications and future studies as well as researcher’s reflection on this study were provided.



新移民女性, 休閒性身體活動, 全民運動, 建制民族誌, marriage immigrants, leisure-time physical activities, sport for all, institutional ethnography





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