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本研究在水墨創作中之幽靜與蒼潤相互連結,筆者以探討內心世界的情感活動與自己的心靈對話由細微處內觀而至於敞開迎接光明,來展現積極向上的精神冀望於繪畫作品中傳達,在安靜中進行繁和簡的探討,體會禪宗的悟道、律宗的規律而畫面呈現的方式建構創作理念。延續這一陣子的創作理念:過去、現在和未來同時發生,動物、植物、礦物共生同一個宇宙空間,對應連續幾年以來社會的氣氛顯得非常的不安定,試圖應用心中的緊張和恐懼感,以水墨及色彩來調和出自己的畫境多方面閱讀浸染,將柔美的顏色混雜於山水意象當中,開啟劇場形式空間整體觀的想像,再以心中湧現安靜的力量呈現在畫面上面。本論文研究之章節歸納如下:第一章:緒論,第一節研究動機與目的,第二節研究方法與步驟,第三節研究內容與範圍,第四節 解釋名詞;第二章:山川觀照的創作實踐,第一節「觀」的創作研究;第二節以山水入畫的藝術家,第三節 風景畫的創作探討;第三章:創作形式內容媒材與技法,第一節創作理念與形式表現,第二節皴法的創作表現,第三節敷染用彩的表現;第四章:創作實踐與作品解析,第一節爆山水系列,第二節飛書法系列,第三節皴紋錯置系列;第五章:結論,第一節創作省思,第二節未來期許。探討臺灣山川的綿密觀照將創作理念透過系統形成脈絡及梳理作品形式與作品系列衍伸發展,並且透過各種知覺體會創作情境中畫面品質與個人內在涵養之質量互用。筆者加強運用對音樂律動的感知,再次的體現快和慢的節奏強烈的情緒感官和平靜柔和的聲音律動,並以書法書寫的型態詮釋水墨畫,觀想對宇宙大地的關懷。
In the early stages of brainstorming for initial idea of research, from the author's daily life exploration, memories and nostalgia continue to appear with clearer context. With non-stopping emergence of different visual interpretations over the views of mountains and rivers, the author utilizes various methods to search for daily life inspirations, and enhances the creativeness of ink painting with musicality. The author also hopes to illustrate these experiences by meticulously observing her life journey. From the desire of simply painting a good paint, to realizing the importance of tradition continuity, innovation indeed plays a significant role in the eyes of researchers. The research process is full of challenges in the life of pandemic. But how do these unexpected factors help shaping my paint? What are the reasons worth exploring Taiwanese landscapes in such a particular way? The ultimate goal is to accumulate ideas and help shaping my own painting styles. For a kid who grew up in the mountains and has living childhood memories of a countryside, she always has an imagination of those who live in the urban and the seaside.



日常生活, 水墨創作, 音樂性, 臺灣山川, 綿密觀照, Life, Ink creation, musicality, Taiwan mountains and rivers, dense notice





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