
dc.description.abstract國際社會習慣將東亞國家(如:日本、韓國、台灣、中國與香港),歸類為儒家文化圈, 這些國家無論家庭制度或性別關係,明顯依循著「長幼有序、男女有別」倫理規範,然而無 論是政治體制、經濟發展都明顯不同,這些異同之處可能對各國推動婚姻暴力防治工作可能 的影響為何?本研究結合檔案資料分析法與深度訪談法,將田野資料收集工作拓展到日本、 韓國、香港與中國,藉由三年田野研究資料收集過程,探討東亞國家婚姻暴力防治工作之經 驗及其背後隱涵的家庭與性別價值意識。 簡言之,本研究目的有下列幾項: (一) 剖析東亞國家婚姻暴力防治工作之社會文化意涵。 (二) 探討東亞國家如何協助受暴婦女擺脫暴力威脅與尋求獨立生活,並回應全球化跨國人口 遷移與經濟發展帶來的衝擊,建構回應多元文化與社會背景受暴婦女之需求。 (三) 檢視不同政治體制與經濟發展條件對婚姻暴力防治工作推動的影響。 (四) 勾勒東亞國家婦運工作者推動婚姻暴力防治工作的經驗與困境,進而尋找建構回應全球 發展趨勢下跨國聯盟機制與行動策略的可能。 (五) 反思女性主義「姐妹情誼」理念的適切性,拓展女性主義對婚姻暴力詮釋觀點。zh_tw
dc.description.abstractOver the past decade, most East Asian countries such as Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong, and China have developed their systems of preventing domestic violence. These systems are strongly shaped by Western feminist perspectives of women’s sovereignty and independency. However, feminist perspectives of gender equality could face challenges from East Asian societies in which patriarchal family relation and gender inequality are dominant. For Western people, East Asian cultures are indifferently. This is mainly because East Asian culture is in some degree influenced by Confucianism, particularly in the family system and gender relation. However, East Asian countries are diverse in economic development, political and welfare regimes, and life style. How do these differences shape the policy and system of preventing domestic violence for each country? How do gender and family relation influence the policy and system of preventing domestic violence in each country? Whether or not there is a commonality across East Asian countries? What differences could exist in these countries? How do both governments and the NGO advocates in each country make efforts to reduce gender inequality via the implementation of preventing domestic violence? What kind of strategies have been applied by service providers to deal with the problems of battering women’s economic dependency and battering women who are foreign brides? Could the East Asian countries establish a transnational coalition and develop an effective strategy to solve problems faced by these countries? To answer this question, this study will: 1. Analyze the meaning of gender and family relationship embedded in the system of preventing domestic violence in each East Asian country. 2. Investigate strategies applied by each East Asian country to help women deal with threat of domestic violence and seek for independence. 3. Examine the impacts of political and welfare regimes and economic conditions on the experiences of preventing domestic violence. 4. Portray the experiences of preventing domestic violence in each East Asian country. 5. Reflect and extend feminist perspective on domestic violence.en_US
dc.titleA Cross-Cultural Comparative Study of Domestic Violence in East Asiaen_US

