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本研究主要採用問卷調查法,輔以文獻分析進行探究。利用研究者自編之「國小教師美術教學態度量表」調查問卷,以台灣地區北(台北縣)、中(台中縣)、南(屏東縣)、東(台東縣)四地區之公立國民小學教師為研究母群,採用多階段分層比例群集隨機抽樣,並配合樣本大小成比例之抽樣技巧(pps)來協助抽樣,抽取85所公立小學,510位小學教師進行調查研究,問卷共回收358份,回收率達70.2%,經剔除廢卷之後,得有效樣本350份,作答有效率高達97.8%。利用統計套裝軟體SAS 8.1版進行資料分析,以樣本數、平均數、標準差描述國小教師美術教學態度之實際狀況;以MANOVA、ANOVA、Scheffe method探討在各不同層面下,國小教師在美術教學態度上的差異情形;以逐步多元迴歸分析,探討影響國小教師美術教學態度之相關因素。茲將研究結果分述如下:
(一) 學校行政制度:
(二) 美術教學情境
(三) 教師個人因素
2.不同「教育程度」、「研習進修」、「擔任職務(行政工作) 」、「服務年資」因素下,國小教師之美術教學態度無顯著差異。
(四) 社會因素
The purpose of this study was to investigate the elementary school teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching, and to discuss the influence of factors. On grounds of the study results, this study was to offer proposals as handy references of art education. The research used in questionnaire survey and documentary analysis relative theory. The researcher made 「The Elementary School Teachers’ Attitude Toward Art Teaching Scale」by herself as an instrument in investigation. This research used multi-stage cluster random sampling method, and the skill of sampling with probabilities proportional to sizes (pps). The researcher took a random from a batch of Taiwan areas (including of Taipei County, Taichung County, Pingtung County, Taitung County) including of 85 public elementary schools, 510 teachers as samples to reply questions. The research finally received 350 efficient samples. SAS 8.1 was used to run the procedures for sample sizes, means, and standard deviations of descriptive statistics, MANOVA, ANOVA, Scheffe method, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The findings in this study were as follows: Ι. Recent the elementary teachers hold positive attitudes toward art teaching. II.The teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching would be influenced by different factors. The results were as follows: ( I ) The factor of administrative systems in the elementary school i.There were differences in teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching among the step in administrative systems, school variety, school area, teachers’ interaction, and principals’ understanding of teachers’ art teaching. ii.There were no differences in teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching among the principals’ beliefs in art education, and educational policy. ( II ) The factor of surroundings in art class i.There were differences in teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching among content of textbooks, enough art classrooms, the interaction between teachers and students, and students’ attitudes toward teachers. ii.There were no differences in teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching among resources of art class, and textbooks-using. ( III ) The factor of art teachers i.There were differences in teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching among gender, age, marriage, teaching desires, professional background, teaching post, teachers’ personality, and satisfaction of work. ii.There were no differences in teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching among educational background, advanced education, administrative post, and experiences of teaching. ( IV ) The factor of society i.There were differences in teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching among cultural resources around the elementary school. ii.There were no differences in teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching among the expectation of parents for art education. III. The teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching would be influenced by the factors of administrative systems in the elementary school, surroundings in art class, and art teachers. The most important factor of all was teachers’ teaching desires.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the elementary school teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching, and to discuss the influence of factors. On grounds of the study results, this study was to offer proposals as handy references of art education. The research used in questionnaire survey and documentary analysis relative theory. The researcher made 「The Elementary School Teachers’ Attitude Toward Art Teaching Scale」by herself as an instrument in investigation. This research used multi-stage cluster random sampling method, and the skill of sampling with probabilities proportional to sizes (pps). The researcher took a random from a batch of Taiwan areas (including of Taipei County, Taichung County, Pingtung County, Taitung County) including of 85 public elementary schools, 510 teachers as samples to reply questions. The research finally received 350 efficient samples. SAS 8.1 was used to run the procedures for sample sizes, means, and standard deviations of descriptive statistics, MANOVA, ANOVA, Scheffe method, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The findings in this study were as follows: Ι. Recent the elementary teachers hold positive attitudes toward art teaching. II.The teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching would be influenced by different factors. The results were as follows: ( I ) The factor of administrative systems in the elementary school i.There were differences in teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching among the step in administrative systems, school variety, school area, teachers’ interaction, and principals’ understanding of teachers’ art teaching. ii.There were no differences in teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching among the principals’ beliefs in art education, and educational policy. ( II ) The factor of surroundings in art class i.There were differences in teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching among content of textbooks, enough art classrooms, the interaction between teachers and students, and students’ attitudes toward teachers. ii.There were no differences in teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching among resources of art class, and textbooks-using. ( III ) The factor of art teachers i.There were differences in teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching among gender, age, marriage, teaching desires, professional background, teaching post, teachers’ personality, and satisfaction of work. ii.There were no differences in teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching among educational background, advanced education, administrative post, and experiences of teaching. ( IV ) The factor of society i.There were differences in teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching among cultural resources around the elementary school. ii.There were no differences in teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching among the expectation of parents for art education. III. The teachers’ attitudes toward art teaching would be influenced by the factors of administrative systems in the elementary school, surroundings in art class, and art teachers. The most important factor of all was teachers’ teaching desires.
美術教學態度, 教學態度, 美術教學