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1942年,隨著太平洋戰爭爆發,軍事委員會決定利用盟國資源重建在戰爭初期遭到毀滅的中國海軍。至戰爭結束前,中國兩次向英美兩國派遣人員,分別是「赴英美參戰見習暨造船案」及「赴英美接艦案」,這些人員成為戰後海軍重建的骨幹。由於戰後英國國力的衰落,致使美國成為中華民國重建海軍的主要援助國,因此本文便以赴美人員為主要研究對象。 「赴英美參戰見習暨造船案」由軍事委員會主導,旨在召集分散各地的海軍人才,選出一百名軍官送往英、美兩國接受訓練。透過該案,軍委會成功建立派遣海軍人員出國的程序。「赴美接艦案」便是在「赴英美參戰見習暨造船案」建立的程序與標準下進行。1943年軍委會向美國提出「借艦參戰」的構想,在經過交涉後,儘管雙方對接艦案想法有所落差,仍達成由美國借艦中國的共識。1944年軍委會成立海軍選派委員會,利用參戰見習暨造船案建立的標準,挑選出70名軍官與1000名士兵,前往美國接艦。赴美人員的特殊性在於有近半人員係知識青年,這些知識青年來自全國各地,有著不同的出身與參軍動機,透過他們留下的紀錄,可以窺見基層士兵如何看待戰爭、及他們在美國的訓練與生活。赴美人員在美國完成訓練,並贏得美國人的好感,隨著戰爭的結束,美國決定將借給中國的「八艦」正式轉讓給中國,而赴美人員的第一個任務,便是駕駛八艦宣慰美洲的僑胞,重建中國的形象與國際地位。 當人員回到中國時,由於國府要求知識青年終身參軍,加上內戰的爆發,致使一部分人逃離軍隊。留在軍隊的人員,少部分進入海軍官校,並不幸被捲入海軍白色恐怖;其餘人員則分散在各部隊。透過美國贈予的八艦,中華民國海軍得以完成南海的探勘,為今日的南海局勢奠立基礎。隨著國府在內戰中的潰敗,八艦之一的太康艦護衛蔣介石來台,此後兩岸分治,中國海軍史進入新的階段。
In 1942, with the outbreak of the Pacific War, the Military Affairs Commission decided to use the resources of allies to rebuild the Chinese navy that had been destroyed in the early stages of the war. Before the end of the war, China sent personnel to the United Kingdom and the United States twice, namely"the Case to Send Personnel to the U.K. and the U.S. to Participate in the War, Training, and Shipbuilding," and "the Transfer of the U.S. and the U.K. Warships to the R.O.C. Navy." These cases became the backbone of reconstruction of the R.O.C. Navy after the Second War. Due to the decline of British, the US became the main aid country for the R.O.C. Navy after the war. Therefore, this article focuses on people who went to the U.S. as the main research object. The first case was led by the Military Affairs Commission, which aimed to gather naval talents scattered around the country and select the best to the U.K. and the U.S. for training. Through this case, the Military Affairs Commission successfully established procedures for sending Navy personnel abroad. In 1943, the Military Affairs Commission proposed to the United States the idea of"borrowing the U.S. Navy warships to participate in the war." After negotiations, they reached a consensus that the U.S. Navy would lend ships, known as “the Eight Ships,” to China. In 1944, the Military Affairs Commission used the standards established in the first case to select 70 officers and 1,000 soldiers to pick up ships. The particularity of these selected soldiers is that nearly half of them are educated youths. These youths came from all over the country and had different origins and motivations for joining the Navy. Through their records, we can get a glimpse of how soldiers at the grassroots level viewed the war ,what they learned, and their life in the U.S. The soldiers, also known as “the Chinese Sailors”, completed training in the United States and won the favor of the Americans. With the end of the war, the U.S. government decided to officially transfer"the Eight Ships" to China. The first task of the Chinese Sailors was to drive the Eight Ships comforted the overseas Chinese in the Americas, and rebuilt China's image and international status. When the Chinese Sailors returned to China, because the government required them to join the Navy for life, some people fled the Navy. A small number of those who remained in the Navy entered the R.O.C. Naval Academy and were unfortunately involved in the Naval White Terror; the rest were scattered among various units. Due to the Eight Ships, the R.O.C. Navy was able to complete the exploration of the South China Sea, laying the foundation for today's situation. As the Nationalist was defeated in the civil war, the Taikang, one of the eight ships, escorted Chiang Kai-shek to Taiwan. After that, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait were divided, and China's naval history entered a new stage.
In 1942, with the outbreak of the Pacific War, the Military Affairs Commission decided to use the resources of allies to rebuild the Chinese navy that had been destroyed in the early stages of the war. Before the end of the war, China sent personnel to the United Kingdom and the United States twice, namely"the Case to Send Personnel to the U.K. and the U.S. to Participate in the War, Training, and Shipbuilding," and "the Transfer of the U.S. and the U.K. Warships to the R.O.C. Navy." These cases became the backbone of reconstruction of the R.O.C. Navy after the Second War. Due to the decline of British, the US became the main aid country for the R.O.C. Navy after the war. Therefore, this article focuses on people who went to the U.S. as the main research object. The first case was led by the Military Affairs Commission, which aimed to gather naval talents scattered around the country and select the best to the U.K. and the U.S. for training. Through this case, the Military Affairs Commission successfully established procedures for sending Navy personnel abroad. In 1943, the Military Affairs Commission proposed to the United States the idea of"borrowing the U.S. Navy warships to participate in the war." After negotiations, they reached a consensus that the U.S. Navy would lend ships, known as “the Eight Ships,” to China. In 1944, the Military Affairs Commission used the standards established in the first case to select 70 officers and 1,000 soldiers to pick up ships. The particularity of these selected soldiers is that nearly half of them are educated youths. These youths came from all over the country and had different origins and motivations for joining the Navy. Through their records, we can get a glimpse of how soldiers at the grassroots level viewed the war ,what they learned, and their life in the U.S. The soldiers, also known as “the Chinese Sailors”, completed training in the United States and won the favor of the Americans. With the end of the war, the U.S. government decided to officially transfer"the Eight Ships" to China. The first task of the Chinese Sailors was to drive the Eight Ships comforted the overseas Chinese in the Americas, and rebuilt China's image and international status. When the Chinese Sailors returned to China, because the government required them to join the Navy for life, some people fled the Navy. A small number of those who remained in the Navy entered the R.O.C. Naval Academy and were unfortunately involved in the Naval White Terror; the rest were scattered among various units. Due to the Eight Ships, the R.O.C. Navy was able to complete the exploration of the South China Sea, laying the foundation for today's situation. As the Nationalist was defeated in the civil war, the Taikang, one of the eight ships, escorted Chiang Kai-shek to Taiwan. After that, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait were divided, and China's naval history entered a new stage.
海軍, 海軍史, 赴美受訓, 赴美接艦, 海軍總部, 海軍派系, 八艦, 知識青年, 知青參軍, R.O.C. Navy, naval history, training in the United States, the transfer of the U.S. warships to the R.O.C. Navy, Chinese Naval Headquarters, naval factions, the Eight Ships, educated youth, educated youth joining the military