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During Second Sino-Japanese War, Kuomintang led the government by party under political tutelage system, Ministry of Information organized propaganda work toward the United States. Chiang Kai-shek constructed the propaganda networks across the Pacific by Hollington Tong, the Deputy Minister of Information and Tseng Hsu-pai, the director of International Propaganda Branch. These Networks were joint by both Chinese and American, included members from the party, the government and society groups. There’re not only units which were guide by Ministry of Information like Voice of China and Central News Agency, but also cooperate with Cardinal Paul Yü Pin and philosopher Lin Yutang by it’s representative in New York, Dr. Hsia Ching-lin, they pubished magazine China at War and builded a complex relationship. With Francis and Harry Price, Henry Luce as the bridge to contact TIME Inc. and United China Relief, the Ministry of Information could influence public opinion. Theodore White interviewed on the Great Famine in Henan at 1943, and foreign press corps visited Yenan at 1944, their reports discredited the image of Nationalist Government in the process of Pacific War.The Nationalist government tried to use this network to publicize its military and democratic achievements in the process of building the nation during the war, so as to play up a good image of China in American public opinion, and then influence the decision-making of the American government from the bottom up. As China and the U.S. became allies after the Attack of Pearl Harbor, the goal of Ministry of Information's propaganda work toward the U.S., changed from wooing the U.S. to fight against Japan, to promoting the U.S. military’s strategy of prioritizing the Asia battlefield over Europe, and seeking more millitary and economic aid to China. In the early days of the Pacific War, Ministry of Information successfully mobilized American journalists, media, and civil society groups through its propaganda activities in the United States, creating public opinion pressure on the U.S. government, to promote bills that benefit China. In the latter part of the Pacific War, the Nationalist government lost the trust and support of the US military, government and civilians one after another, because of domestic and foreign missteps, military and economic setbacks, and the gap between propaganda and reality.



國民黨中宣部, 中國對美宣傳, 中美關係, 戰時中國, 宣傳網絡, 宣傳活動, 董顯光, 曾虛白, Kuomintang Ministry of Information, Chinese Propaganda to the United States, Chinese-American Relations, China at War, Propaganda Networks, Propaganda Activities, Hollington Tong, Tseng Hsu-pai





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