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台灣地區資優教育推展三十多年來,自高中資優班畢業的女性為數頗眾,本研究主要目的在於探討人格特質與性別刻板知覺對於女性資優學生生涯成功之預測情形及其影響。 本研究以台灣地區75-87學年度高中資優班畢業女性共470位為研究對象。研究工具為「生涯成功量表」、「人格特質量表」、「性別刻板知覺量表」和「生涯訪談大綱」。本研究採用問卷調查法蒐集資料,以逐步迴歸分析探討人格特質、性別刻板知覺對於生涯成功的預測情形並運用結構方程模式驗證研究架構,最後依「生涯成功」量表篩選九位女性資優學生進行訪談,深入探討人格特質與性別刻板知覺對於女性資優學生內在生涯成功之影響。 本研究所獲致的結論如下: 一、女性資優學生的內在生涯成功可由人格特質中的「嚴謹性」、「神經性」、「外向性」與「和善性」加以預測;女性資優學生的外在生涯成功可由人格特質中的「嚴謹性」以及「性別刻板知覺」加以預測。 二、以結構方程模式檢驗「生涯成功、人格特質與性別刻板知覺」關係模式發現,人格特質對於生涯成功有非常高的預測力;性別刻板知覺可以負向預測生涯成功;人格特質對於生涯成功之預測力高於性別刻板知覺。 三、由訪談分析中發現,對工作產生助力的人格特質包括做事嚴謹負責、自我意志強、勇於任事、正面思考、開放的學習心態、樂於助人、友善隨和、有計畫性、具同理心和富創造力;對工作產生阻力的人格特質有焦慮、負面想法、自我放棄、懶散膽小及猶豫。性別刻板知覺對於生涯的影響方面,多數受訪者感受到性別在工作上的助、阻力;受訪者視價值觀的不同,對於婚姻或工作的偏重順序或有不同;在家庭照顧上,支持系統對於受訪者兼顧家庭與事業而言是很重要的一環。 四、訪談分析也發現嚴謹性高的女性資優學生其生涯發展較優異。女性資優學生經歷工作困擾時,若傾向以負向看法與態度去面對與解讀,其生涯滿意度低;若是女性資優學生採取積極正面的態度面對工作困擾,則其生涯滿意度高。
The purposes of this study were: (1) to analyze the predictive ability of personality and gender stereotype perception on career success, and (2) to explore the related factors of career success of the gifted women. 470 gifted young women graduated from gifted classes in senior high schools during 1986 to 1998 in Taiwan were recruited in the study. Questionnaires including “Career Success Scales”, “Personality Scales”, “Gender Stereotype Perception Scales”, and “Interviewing Guideline” were used for data collection, and stepwise regression was used for data analysis. Meanwhile, a model of career success on personality and gender stereotype perception was proposed and tested on the subjects mentioned above via a structural equation modeling. Furthermore, 9 females were selected for in-depth interview based on the analysis of the influence of personality and gender stereotype perception on intrinsic career success. Major findings of this study were listed as followed: 1. Conscientiousness, neuroticism, extraversion, and agreeableness had predictive ability on intrinsic career success in gifted women. Conscientiousness, and gender stereotype perception had predictive ability on extrinsic career success in gifted women. 2. The structural equation modeling of personality and gender stereotype perception on career success showed that the data fitted the theoretical model. The results revealed that personality had high predictive ability on career success. Gender stereotype perception had negatively predictive ability on career success. 3. Data from interviews revealed the main assistance of career development from their personality including conscientiousness, strong will, positive thinking, open mind, to help someone, agreeableness, empathy, and creativity. The barrier of career development came from anxious, negative thinking, ababdoned self, lazy and hesitative. The influence of gender stereotype perception to career development depended on value of marriage as well as working. Basically, seeking for supports were important coping strategies for the married group. 4. Interviews also showed that gifted women possessed higher conscientiousness were better on career development. The satisfaction for their career would be low if they inclined to face and interpret working problems with negative views and attitudes. On the other hand, the satisfaction would be high if they took a positive attitude in facing these problems.



女性資優學生, 生涯成功, 生涯發展, 人格特質, 性別刻板, gifted women, career success, career development, personality, gender role stereotype





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