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本研究採用生命史研究方法探討六名聽覺障礙大學生在普通學校就讀之學習過程中之相關經驗與適應過程,並根據結果提出對啟聰教育的省思與建議。研究所獲主要結論如下: 壹、受訪者學習適應綜合分析 六名受訪者中,有三名雖可聽取聲音,但仍需要讀話的輔助與其他協助才能達到較佳理解效果。另三名無法靠聽覺來接收訊。他們都是憑恃語文能力(閱讀書面資料:看書、抄黑板、借筆記、找相關書籍參考),配合向他人的請教(課後問同學或老師、申請課業輔導),而理解老師在課堂教學的內容。六名受訪者都是從小就養成良好的讀書習慣,他們會擬定讀書計畫並確實執行。他們有自己的讀書方法與應考策略,通常文科方面他們運用記憶策略協助記憶及理解。數學方面則採多練習的方式。 六名受訪者都曾與到學習的困境,而他們突破困境的方法,除了用更多時間心力做好事前準備外,更會在課後積極蒐集其他相關資源補充課堂理解之不足。他們幾乎都具有後設認知能力中的自我覺知、自我預測、及自我評估的能力,會根據學習狀況而調整讀書方法,運用策略協助記憶、理解或解決問題;了解如何學習以便達成教師學科的要求,也會適時尋求外界人力、物力資源的支援。 貳、可能影響受訪者學習適應的家庭因素 受訪者的父母都是傾力照顧其聽障子女,而其他家人也都全力配合。這幾位家長在子女年齡較小時採保護策略,隨著子女長大,慢慢放手讓子女學習獨立。六名受訪者的家長都為聽障子女選擇「口語」,並且積極培養子女的語文能力,為其日後的學習打下良好的基礎。此外他們也積極為其子女尋求適當的早期介入機構,配合教師並盡力教導子女,以補足孩子在校接受教育不足之處。這些家長幾乎都與子女各階段的教師保持良好的溝通。對六名學生而言,家中除了助聽輔具外,都有豐富的圖書資源。除此之外,這幾位家長也與聲暉家長團體等聯繫,獲取支持與相關的協助。 參、可能影響受訪者學習適應的學校因素 六名受訪學生就讀的學校有些會召開會議討論相關輔導措施,並進行教師宣導工作。校方會在編班排課上特別安排,並安排免修課程。受訪者的教師大部分都能會配合學生的溝通需求,考慮他們聽取訊息和讀話的需要;會在施測方法和計分上做考量;以及其他教學調整措施。至於助聽輔具的提供,大多是在大學階段才有。六名受訪者得到的同學協助大致為:上課與課後的提醒、借筆記、說明受訪者聽不清楚部分與教師交待事項、協助與教師的溝通、與課業輔導等。受訪學生的耳聰同學不一定都完全接納他們,不過這六名學生會設法排除障礙,或自我調整。 關鍵字:聽覺障礙、學習適應、生命史
The purpose of this study was to explore the learning experiences of six college students with hearing impairment through their life histories. In-depth interview was used to acquire rich data from the six informants who had studied in regular schools, as well as their parents, teachers and schoolmates. Learning adjustment of the six informants and the possible affecting factors were analyzed. The results were as follows: 1. Learning adjustment Although three of the informants could make use of their residual hearing, they still need speechreading and other supporting services to reach better comprehension. As for the other three informants, they relied on their literacy skills mainly, accompany with asking for help from teachers and classmates, to have better classroom understanding. The six informants had good study habits since they were young. They made study plans and executed on schedule. Each of them had his/her own study methods or strategies. Mostly they would make use of memory strategies to help them memorize and understand liberal arts, while practice was the only way to prepare for math and science exams. All of them had encountered difficulties in learning, which they tackled with preparation beforehand, and/or searching for related information afterwards. Meta-cognition as self-awareness, self-prediction, and self-evaluation abilities were abundant from their process of learning. They knew how to meet the needs of the subjects they were studying, and they would not hesitate to ask for help when needed. 2. Possible influential factors within families in learning adjustment Parents of the six informants endeavored to help their deaf children by choosing oral methods for learning, building up their language abilities, seeking the best intervention programs, and teaching their children them selves to make up for what they did not understand in schools. Most parents would loosen their protection to their children as they grew up. The parents kept good contact with schoolteachers. They would also provide rich resources to help their children learning. Hearing aids, books, and computers were most given. Besides, the parents had access to the parents’ group for the deaf children, where they would receive information or support. 3. Possible influential factors within schools in learning adjustment Some of the administrators in the schools where the six informants studied would hold meeting to have discussions on how to support their learning in the schools, especially in high schools. Most schools would provide deaf awareness programs or information for the teachers, and would have special arrangements for the deaf students, such as providing extra courses, exemption from taking some courses that required listening abilities. Teachers of the deaf students would know their special needs, and some would provide help in listening and/or speechreading. All of the teachers would make some adjustments in testing, scoring, or instruction methods. Assistance from classmates were mainly in reminding, providing notes, making explanations after class, helping communication with teachers, and/or tutoring. Though not all the hearing classmates would accept the six informants, they would try to overcome to win their classmates’ friendship, or to adjust themselves in the hearing world. Based on the results of this study, the researcher’s reflections and suggestions were presented. Key words: hearing impairment, deaf, learning adjustment, life history



聽覺障礙, 學習適應, 生命史, hearing impairment, deaf, learing adjustment, life history





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