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本論文首先由劉其偉的成長背景說起,其次再探討劉其偉的創作理念,他的繪畫理念深受西方現代藝術、原始藝術、保育觀念及文化人類學所影響,其創作出的作品別具生命力與關懷之情。 由於劉其偉熱愛大自然,喜歡深入叢林探險,這勾起他對原始藝術的濃厚興趣,也令他驚覺許多野生動物因棲息地遭受嚴重的破壞而瀕臨絕種;油然而生的悲憫之心讓這位「自然之子」開始熱衷於倡導環境保護與動物保育的活動,後來被推舉為「保育代言人」,而他也更確認了自己的創作中心思想─「愛」。 筆者歷經長時間所收錄到的劉其偉生平創作共1,109件,文中依主要題材區分為風景、性愛與女人、原始藝術、動物、十二生肖、鳥類、中國風、星座、季節、昆蟲、自畫像及致敬等十二個系列,探討其創作背景及繪畫特色,並將其繪畫成就及對世人的影響做一總結,讓讀者可以較有系統的認識劉其偉,並對他的繪畫產生興趣;此外,蒐集完整且題材分類清楚的千餘件作品更可讓作品收藏鑑賞者與研究者作為實用的參考圖鑑。
This article is to start from the background of Max Liu. Then we come to a discussion of creation concept of Max Liu, in which his painting concept was deeply affected by western modern art, primitive art, concept of protection and anthropology, the works that he created were full of vitality and care. Due to an interest in nature and adventuring in the jungle, a strong interest in primitive art is enabled as well as a sudden understanding on a severe destruction of habitat of many wild animals’ and are in danger of extinction; a sympathy that is well-upraised and enabled this “son of nature” to become enthusiastic in environmental protection and animal protection activities, where he was elected as “spokesperson of animal protection” later, and he was then verified his own central mindset of creation more – “love”. Liu’s works that collected by the writer over a long time are 1,109 pieces in total, which were categorized into scenery, sex& women, primitive art, animals, 12 Chinese zodiac animals, birds, Chinese style, horoscope, season, insect, self portrait and salutation 12 series as per key material, to explore Liu’s creation background and his painting features, to conclude the painting achievement and his influence to the people, to enable an understanding on Max Liu systematically and to cause an interest in his paintings; besides, providing as a reference to collectors and researchers through a complete collection and clear classification of these over 1 thousand works.



劉其偉, 老頑童, 台灣, 現代畫, Max Liu, Naughty old ster, Taiwan, Modern painting





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