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中文摘要 目的:吸菸的危害對國小學童的威脅日益嚴重,但國內探討國小學童菸害研究尚有不足,故本研究應用計畫行為理論探討影響不吸菸行為意圖的相關因子與現況。方法:本研究採立意取樣,選擇新北市八所國小高年級學童作為調查對象,以橫貫式調查進行研究,研究樣本數359人。本研究運用多元階層複迴歸進行分析。結果:計畫行為理論中知覺行為控制、主觀規範可以有效預測不吸菸行為意圖(R2=72.2%)及至國中不吸菸行為意圖 (R2=69.8%),知覺行為控制、主觀規範與不吸菸行為意圖皆呈正相關;個人層次社會人口學變項中,嘗試吸菸經驗可以有效預測不吸菸行為意圖及至國中不吸菸行為意圖,嘗試吸菸經驗與不吸菸行為意圖皆呈負相關。主觀規範在整體迴歸模式中預測力最強,個人層次中社會人口學變項以嘗試吸菸經驗之預測力最強。男生對家長、師長、同學的規範遵守程度較女生低。較喜愛上學學童之態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制、不吸菸行為意圖、至國中不吸菸行為意圖愈高。曾經有菸品接觸經驗之學童,態度、主觀規範、不吸菸行為意圖、至國中不吸菸行為意圖較差。個人層次中,喜愛上學者,佔68.8%;自覺菸品獲得困難者為最高,佔73.7%;有嘗試吸菸經驗佔10.6%。環境層次中,家人物質與同儕使用,皆以接觸菸品為最多;二手菸暴露率為67%。結論:計畫行為理論主觀規範與知覺行為控制變項預測學童不吸菸行為意圖之效果佳,建議應提早在國小階段實施菸害防制課程,課程內容可參考計畫行為理論之主觀規範、知覺行為控制變項設計,並考量二手菸危害與性別差異因素,以增強學童不吸菸行為意圖並維持穩定性。 關鍵字: 行為意圖、國小、計畫行為理論 
Abstract Objectives: The hazard of smoking poses a greater threat to children of elementary schools. In addition, Literature on the influences of smoking at elementary-school level is scarce. The aim of the study was to understand intention not to smoke among fifth and sixth graders according to the theory of planned behavior and explore current smoking situation. Method: Adopting the purposive sampling, the data was obtained from a single-round cross-sectional survey administered to 8 elementary schools in New Taipei City. 359 participants fully completed the questionnaires. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to analyze data. Results:Theory of planned behavior provided good predictions of intention not to smoke (R2=72.2%;subjective norm and perceived behavior control significant) and intention not to smoke(till junior high). (R2=69.8%;subjective norm and perceived behavior control significant) Perceived behavior control and subjective norm were positive associated with both intentions not to smoke. In demographic variables of individual level, Past smoking attempt explained additional variance and was negative associated with both intentions not to smoke. Boys showed lower level of subjective norm compared with girls. School bonding was positively associated with overall TPB variables .Approximately 10.6% of students had tried smoked cigarette, and 67% of children exposed to secondhand smoke. Conclusions: TPB reveals good prediction of intentions not to smoke with perceived behavior control and subjective norm significant. The findings indicate the need of advancing anti-smoking courses to elementary schools stage and the importance of designing courses based on subject norm, perceived behavior control, reducing harm of secondhand smoke and gender differences to improve intention not to smoke. Keywords: intention, elementary school, theory of planned behavior



行為意圖, 國小, 計畫行為理論, intention, elementary school, theory of planned behavior





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