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本文探討席爾科小說《亡者曆書》中的另類地理學。研究方向由女性主義地理學此一解構傳統地理及提倡流動地理的學科角度出發,檢驗席爾科對邊界及空間的概念,並討論其與女性主義地理學的相似性。受到拉古納(Laguna Pueblo)文化的影響,席爾科所提出的無邊界空間(borderless space)深植於部族母系制(tribal matriarchy)的包容性,流動性與異質性。此女性部族空間觀在《亡者曆書》中具體呈現。利用小說的卷頭地圖,結構及情節,席爾科將印地安抗爭安置於開放空間中,同時預言一個超越父權掌控的母系第五世界。 本文包含四部分。第一章介紹席爾科及女性主義地理學。簡介的重點放在吉莉恩‧蘿絲(Gillian Rose)、琳達‧麥道威爾(Linda McDowell)、葛洛莉‧安茶朵(Gloria Anzaldúa)及露西‧伊瑞葛來(Luce Irigaray)這四位對傳統地理學提出重要批判的學者。第二章首先介紹大衛‧哈維(David Harvey)、亨利•列維布(Henri Levebvre)及愛德華•索雅(Edward W. Soja)這三位近代地理學者。除了將他們的主張與女性地理學者做一比較外,並歸納出上列學者與席爾科的關聯。文章接著探討席爾科在自傳類散文及訪談中所傳達的邊界與空間概念。相較於基進及女性主義地理學,席爾科的另類空間觀呼應了無邊界空間的概念,但更強調邊界地帶(borderland)。第三章討論席爾科的另類地理學如何呈現在《亡者曆書》中。文章闡明小說的卷頭地圖描繪了無疆界的女性空間,小說的結構暗示了跨國界的部族主義,而小說的情節則預言了一個母系的烏托邦。第四章歸結全文,重申席爾科在小說中顛覆了西方地理學的父權傳統,並創造了一個女性部族空間。
This thesis is a study of the alternative geography in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Almanac of the Dead. I approach the novel from the perspective of feminist geography, which deconstructs traditional geography and advocates a flexible spatiality. By examining Silko’s perceptions of boundaries and spaces, I argue that Silko’s alternative geography, influenced by Laguna Pueblo culture, is similar to that of feminist geographers. Her proposal of a borderless space is derived from and rooted in the inclusivity, fluidity and heterogeneity of tribal matriarchy. This tribal feminist spatiality is demonstrated in Almanac of the Dead. With the frontispiece map, the structure and the plot, Silko locates the Indian war in an open space and foretells a matriarchal Fifth World beyond patriarchal constraint. This thesis contains four chapters. In chapter one, I make an introduction to Silko and a summary of feminist geography. I focus my discussion on Gillian Rose, Linda McDowell, Gloria Anzaldúa andLuce Irigaray, whose arguments are important in the critique of traditional geography. In chapter two, I give a summary of David Harvey, Henri Lefebvre and Edward W. Soja. I compare their arguments with those of feminist geographers and probe their relation to and influence on Silko. Then I investigate Silko’s perceptions of boundaries and spaces presented in her interviews and autobiographical works. I consider that Silko’s alternative spatiality responds to those of radical and feminist geographers in her call for a borderless space but differs from theirs in her focus on the borderland. In chapter three, I discuss how Almanac of the Dead embodies Silko’s alternative spatiality. I contend that the frontispiece map which looks like an Indian map, a spider web and female sex organs signifies a borderless feminine space, the structure that smashes political boundaries implies a vision of international tribalism, and the plot that depicts the Indian war forecasts a matriarchal utopia. In chapter four, I conclude that Silko subverts the patriarchal tradition of Western geography and creates a tribal feminine space in Almanac of the Dead.



席爾柯, 亡者曆書, 女性主義地理學, 部族母系制, 無邊界空間, 第五世界, Silko, Almanac of the Dead, Feminist Geography, tribal matriarchy, borderless space, the Fifth World





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