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工業革命開啟了一段人類歷史的新時代,人們的生活方式隨著科技和工業的快速發展直接受到影響,產生了翻天覆地的變化。在不同的歷史時期,巨變下的社會環境和意識形態必然會影響繪畫藝術,產生不同的創作風格。工業題材的繪畫作為一種藝術形式的再現,如實地反映出科學技術迅速發展帶來的社會問題、文化問題,及工業發展對人類生活產生的重要作用。工業題材繪畫作品體現時代特徵,具有揭示當代工業發展下時代特點的意義,是繪畫創作的重要題材之一。它體現了工業文明的進程,是一段與工業記憶相關的繪畫創作研究資訊,應為美術史上不應抹去的篇章,需要不斷探求承續下去。 本研究基於筆者的生活環境與經歷,選擇以工業元素為主要的創作題材。重點簡述了西方工業革命時期的繪畫起源、發展歷史,論述工業文明的進程,對人類文明特別是繪畫的影響,研究工業題材在不同時期的繪畫風格。還簡述了工業題材繪畫的重要意義,並以時間先後的順序,列舉中西方工業題材繪畫比較有代表性的藝術家及作品進行分析,為筆者的藝術創作找尋到更為契合的藝術借鑒。最後闡述了筆者創作的實踐之路、突出了創作靈感,以及作品的情感表達。結合工業題材繪畫藝術發展的軌跡,社會現實性題材的表現手法,尋找新的繪畫語言符號、表現形式,體現工業題材繪畫時代特徵。此次論文的研究為創作實踐找尋到思想來源,反之也通過實踐創作為論文研究提供可靠的依據,兩者相互支撐、相互融合,完成工業題材繪畫形式表現性創作研究的藝術探索。 工業題材繪畫伴隨著特定的歷史文化孕育而生,會隨著不同的時代,不同的歷史時期而具有不同的改變和表現形式。無論是以前落後的工業生產場景,還是當前現代化工業生產技術,人們都生活在工業體系構架之中。因此,工業題材繪畫豐沛著人們的情感世界,幻化為一種獨有的情感。
The industrial revolution ushered in a new era of human history. With the rapid development of science, technology and industry, the way of life of human beings was directly affected and brought about earth-shaking changes. In different historical periods, the social environment and ideology under the drastic change will inevitably influence the painting art and produce different painting styles. As an art form, industrial paintings faithfully reflect the social and cultural problems brought about by the rapid development of science and technology, as well as the important role of industrial development in human life. Industrial theme painting works reflect the characteristics of The Times, with the significance of revealing the characteristics of The Times under the development of contemporary industry, is one of the important themes of painting. It reflects the process of industrial civilization and is an art research material related to industrial imprint, which has become an indelible chapter in the history of art and needs to be inherited and continuously explored. Based on the author's living environment and experience, this research chooses the industrial theme painting form as the main painting subject. This research is divided into five parts: the origin and development history of painting in the western industrial revolution, the development of industrial civilization, the impact on human civilization, especially painting, and the painting styles of industrial subjects in different periods. This paper briefly describes the significance of industrial theme painting, and analyzes the works of western industrial theme painting artists and Chinese industrial theme painting artists in the order of time, so as to find a more suitable artistic reference for the author's artistic creation. The author analyzes the new focus and future development direction of industrial paintings, and expounds the creative inspiration, the practical way of creation and the emotional expression of the works. In combination with the development track of industrial theme painting art and the expression technique of social realistic theme, new painting language symbols and representation are sought to reflect the characteristics of industrial theme painting era. Through the writing of the paper as a creative basis to find the spirit of the paper in the practice of feeding the reliable source of the paper, complete the artistic exploration of creation.



工業時代, 後工業時代, 中國工業題材繪畫, Industrial Era, Post-industrial Era, Chinese Industrial Theme Painting





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