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孫中山一生的偉大思想與獨創的三民主義學說深深影響了我們的立國發展,啟迪了我們的政治與文化教育的意識與觀念。孫中山的教育思想不但融貫中西文化的精粹,更形成了獨特的思想體系,且調和了我國教育發展上許多矛盾的問題。本研究主要探討孫中山的教育思想與民初教育發展之脈絡關係以及演變之影響。本文在時間範圍的取捨上,以民國初年到民國18年頒布<中華民國教育宗旨>為一年限。在研究架構上,主要以「三民主義」為研究主軸,其探討的教育思想範圍包含「民族」、「民權」與「民生」等三大主要內容,以及其「生存」、「互助」與「進步」等三大教育思想基本原理。根據孫中山教育思想的原理與原則,對於民初教育發展的影響及作用,主要分成四個層面予以深入探討其間關係,包含「教育思潮」、「教育政策」、「教育制度」與「教育內容」等,得出以下的結論: 一、三民主義思想與孫中山人本、生存、互助、進化的教育原理相互融貫。 二、軍國民教育、實用主義教育、科學教育與平民教育是近代教育發展主要思潮。 三、孫中山均權的教育制度思想,兼重義務教育與社會教育的發展。 四、三民主義提供了教育宗旨重要的援引,使教育政策有所依據。 五、孫中山奠定了「德、智、體、群」四育並重的教育內容。
Sun Yat-Sen’s grand thought and originally “Three Principles of the People” had a huge influence on the development of country founding, also gave us many political, cultural and educational consciousness. Sun Yat-Sen’s educational thought not only merged chinese and western cultural essence, but made up his unique thought system, accommodated many contradiction on the development of education. This study was to explore context relationship between Sun Yat-Sen’s educational thought and development of education at the beginning of ROC, and to research how the Sun Yat-Sen’s educational thought affect revolution of education. “Three Principles of the People” was viewed as main spindle in this study. Nationalism, Democracy and People's Livelihood were the three main content of the educational thought in the category with three educational principle consisted of Live, cooperation and Progress. The researcher deeply explored how the Sun Yat-Sen’s educational thought principle made effects on the development of education contemporaries, education policies, education systems and education contents at the beginning of ROC. The followings were the conclusions of this study: 1. “Three Principles of the People” was combined with education principles of Humanist, Live, Cooperation and Progress 2. Modern main contemporaries of education included military citizenship, utilitarian, scientific and commonalty education. 3. Sun Yat-Sen’s equivalency of education system united compulsory education and social education. 4. “Three Principles of the People” provided important guidance for our educational policies. 5. Sun Yat-Sen’s educational thoughts lay the foundation for the development of domains in ethics, intellect, physique, and social skills education.



孫中山, 教育思想, 教育發展, Sun Yat-Sen, Educational Thought, Sun YaDevelopment of Education





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