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本計畫擬建置一台以可程式規劃系統晶片(System On Program Chip, SOPC)為基礎,具備 影像物體追蹤(object tracking)、影像式定位(image-based localization)、以及避障功能 (obstacle avoidance)之全方位移動式機器人。作法上係以單一CCD 作傾斜式之攝影(tilt photographing),據以發展出多種以傾斜式攝影為基礎之影像式距離及角度量測系統,藉 由與物體追蹤技術相結合,達到對於目標物之定位(localization),並將相關演算法實現 在可程式規劃系統晶片(System On Program Chip, SOPC)上,達到以SOC 晶片系統即時 處理及控制移動式機器人的目的。三年期之計畫共包含5 個研究子題,分別是:(1)全方 位機器人系統架構與建置,(2) 混合型物體影像追蹤系統,(3)影像式物體定位系統,(4) 模糊避障系統,以及(5) SOPC 系統之實現。 機器人系統架構上,本計畫擬設計一台具有全方位移動能力之機器人,視覺系統則 僅配置單一CCD 作傾斜式攝影,作為影像式距離量測、影像物體追蹤、以及影像式物 體定位等相關系統之基礎;機器人的週邊則配置有超音波感測器、紅外線感測器,利用 多重感測器資料融合技術,建立機器人之模糊避障(fuzzy obstacle avidance)功能。在影像 物體追蹤方面,本計畫擬以粒子濾波器演算法(particle filter, PF)、粒子群最佳化法(particle swarm optimization, PSO),以及單體搜尋法(Nelder-Mead Simplex Search Method, NM)為 基礎,擷取其長處予以整合,開發兩種混合型(Hybrid)目標物體追蹤法,配合特徵為基 礎之物體辨識技術(feature-based methods for object recognition),快速偵測目標物體,再 輔以所開發出來之多種影像式物體定位系統,以獲取所偵測到的目標物體相對於量測系 統的座標位置。在機器人避障系統方面,本計畫擬設計一模糊系統,將多種感測器資訊 融合成障礙物的距離與方向資訊,並透過模糊避障機制來決定機器人的移動方向與旋轉 角度,最後再以SOPC 實現各種相關演算法,利用FPGA 的硬體電路優勢,以軟硬體協 同設計(Hardware/Software Co-design)的技術設計各種硬體加速器電路,提升相關演算法 的執行效率,實現以SOC 晶片系統即時處理及控制移動式機器人的目的。
The objective of this project is to investigate the design and implementation of a SOPC-based object tracking and localization system via tilt photographing of a single CCD camera, providing image-based localization and obstacle avoidance for omni-directional mobile robots. Based on tilt photographing of a single CCD camera, two imaged-based distance and angle measurement methods will be investigated for integration with object tracking techniques to develop an image-based localization scheme suitable for use in mobile robots. Algorithms developed in this project will be implemented on a System On Program Chip, SOPC, to allow real-time processing and control of the mobile robot. To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the three-year project will investigate the following major items: (1) Design and implementation of an omni-directional mobile robot, (2) Development of hybrid algorithms for object tracking, (3) development of an image-based localization system, (4) Design of a fuzzy controller for obstacle avoidance, and (5) Implementation of the developed algorithms on a SOPC. The architecture of the mobile robot is equipped with omnidirectional motion capabilities, which allows it to move toward any directions. A single CCD camera with the help of two laser projectors are only required in this project to provide tilt photographing, under which various image-based localization schemes will be developed. Multi-sensor data fusion will be investigated to construct an obstacle avidance fuzzy controller for the mobile robot. To improve the performance of object tracking, this project considers the development of a memetic algorithm incorporating an enhanced particle filter, NM simplex search method, and particle swarm optimization. As a result, an image-based localization system for obtaining the coordinate of concerned objects relative to the measuring system is expected to be developed with the help of feature-based methods for object recognition and the object tracking methods. To allow safe navigation of the robot for preventing possible collision, multi-sensor fusion of the sensing data will be considered to design a fuzzy obstacle avoidance controller. To further improve the performance of the system, algorithms developed in the project will be practically implemented on a SOPC by designing various hardware accelerators to achieve the objective of real-time processing and control of the mobile robot.







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