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摘要 本研究的主要目的,在探討角色因素、性別因素對普通班同儕資優生人際知覺的影響。本研究採實驗研究法,以台北市五年級資優生的普通班級同學為對象,以資優生與同儕互動之影片,及自編之「認識他人」人際知覺量表為研究工具,將研究對象隨機分派,接受不同的實驗處理後,探究實驗結果。 研究共分為兩部分,第一部分採等組後測實驗設計,以獨立樣本單因子變異數分析,探討是否告知影片主角為資優生對普通班同儕資優生人際知覺的影響;第二部分採2╳2二因子實驗設計,以獨立樣本二因子變異數分析,考驗「自身性別」和「資優生性別」對普通班同儕資優生人際知覺的影響。 研究結果發現,在角色因素的影響方面,普通班同儕對資優生認知特質的人際知覺,會因告知目標人物為資優生與否而有所不同,且告知目標人物為資優生組比未告知組對資優生認知特質的人際知覺要高。但在情意、創造及社會特質方面,是否告知目標人物為資優生對普通班同儕的資優生人際知覺則無顯著差異。在性別因素的影響方面,對於資優生情意特質的人際知覺,「自身性別」和「資優生性別」的交互作用達顯著差異,女同學對於女性資優生情意特質的人際知覺顯著高於男同學,亦顯著高於對男性資優生的評價。至於在對資優生認知、創造及社會特質的人際知覺上,「自身性別」和「資優生性別」的二因子交互作用未達顯著差異,且「自身性別」、「資優生性別」個別的主要效果亦未達顯著差異。
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this thesis was to explore how the factors of gifted role and gender affect the ordinary classmates’ personal perception on gifted peers. There were two parts in this thesis. Firstly, the Posttest-Only Control Group Design was adopted to figure out the influence to personal perception when the ordinary students were informed that the target character in video was a gifted student. Secondly, Two-Factor Experiment Design was applied to study the effectiveness of subjects’ gender and gifted students’ gender. The fifth-grade ordinary students, from four elementary schools in Taipei city, were selected as study subjects. According to the result, we could conclude that: (a) If the peers were informed the target character in video was a gifted student in advance, they rated higher on the cognitive domain of perception. The peers acknowledged that the gifted students are with great cognitive ability. (b) There were no significant difference on affective, creative and social domain, no matter the target character was gifted or not. (c) Girl schoolmates rated girl gifted students higher than boy schoolmates on affective domain. Also the personal perception of girl schoolmates to girl gifted students was higher than the one to boy gifted students. However, as for the personal perception on cognitive, creative, and social domain to gifted students, it would not be affected by subjects’ gender and gifted students’ gender.



資優生, 普通班同儕, 人際知覺, 刻板印象, 角色, 性別, Gifted Students, Peers, Personal Perception, Stereotype, Role, Gender





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