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本研究的目的為探討高科技產業人員的遠距工作、休閒參與、工作壓力、和孤獨感之相關性,此為橫斷性研究,研究對象為高科技產業公司之20歲以上的員工,採問卷調查法,有效問卷共631份。研究結果如下:一、研究對象整體工作壓力平均得分2.81、工作控制平均得分2.85、工作負荷平均得分2.74、就業缺乏保障平均得分2.47、職場正義平均得分2.91、主管社會支持平均得分2.97、同事社會支持平均得分3.03。二、研究對象休閒參與的活動意願介於每月至少1-2次至每週至少1-2次之間;休閒參與量表的實際參與頻率(至少30分鐘/次)每月至少1-2次。三、研究對象孤獨感平均得分2.71,介於「很少有」到「有時候有」之間。四、「工作控制」量表得分方面,「遠距工作未滿6個月」、「遠距工作6個月以上」與「完全沒有遠距工作」相比「工作控制」平均得分較低。「休閒參與頻率_每月至少1-2次」與「休閒參與頻率 每年不到1 次」相比工作控制平均得分較高。「就業缺乏保障」量表得分方面,「休閒參與頻率_每年至少1次」、「休閒參與頻率_每月至少1-2次」與「休閒參與頻率 每年不到1 次」相比就業缺乏保障平均得分較低;「同事社會支持」量表得分方面,顯示「休閒參與頻率_每年至少1 次」、「休閒參與頻率_每月至少1-2次」與「休閒參與頻率 每年不到1 次」相比同事社會支持平均得分較高。五、遠距工作與休閒參與對於「職場正義」、「主管社會支持」量表得分有交互作用,以不同休閒參與頻率分為低中高三組分析,在高休閒參與頻率的研究對象中,與「完全沒有遠距工作」相比,「遠距工作未滿6個月」、「遠距6個月以上者」,其職場正義平均得分較高。高度和低度休閒參與頻率程度的組別,「遠距工作未滿六個月」與主管社會支持得分呈現正向相關,但中等休閒參與頻率程度的組別,「遠距工作未滿六個月」則與主管社會支持得分呈現負向相關。六、在孤獨感量表得分的預測模型方面,「遠距工作6個月以上」與孤獨感量表得分負相關,較高的休閒參與頻率也與孤獨感量表得分負相關。
This study aimed to explore the relationship between remote work, leisure participation, work stress, and loneliness among high-tech industry employees. The cross-sectional study recruited 631 employees aged 20 and above in multiple high-tech industry company. The key findings are summarized as follows:1. Participants’ average work stress score was 2.81, work control score was 2.85, work load score was 2.74, employment insecurity score was 2.47, workplace justice score was 2.91, supervisor social support score was 2.97, and colleague social support score was 3.03.2. Participants expressed willingness for leisure activities ranging from at least 1-2 times per month to at least 1-2 times per week. Actual participation frequency in leisure activities (at least 30 minutes per time) was at least 1-2 times per month.3. The average loneliness score was 2.71, ranging from rarely to sometimes.4. Remote work status and leisure participation frequency significantly predicted work control scores. Scores on the work control scale were lower for participants worked remotely compared to those without remote work experience. Additionally, individuals engaging in leisure activities 1-2 times per month scored higher on the work control scale compared to those participating less than once a year. For employment insecurity, individuals participating in leisure activities at least 1-2 times per month scored lower on the scale than those participating less than once a year. Colleagues' social support scores were higher for individuals with leisure participation at least 1-2 times per month compared to those with leisure participation less than once a year. 5. An interactive effect of remote work and leisure participation on workplace justice and supervisor social support was observed. Among those with higher leisure participation frequency, those working remotely showed higher workplace justice scores than those without remote work experience. In terms of the supervisor social support scale, among the groups with high and low frequencies of leisure participation, those worked remotely for less than 6 months reported higher scores, whereas for the middle-level leisure participation group, those worked remotely for less than 6 months reported lower scores compared to those without remote work experience.6. Remote work for more than 6 months was negatively correlated with loneliness scale scores. Leisure participation frequency at least 1 time per year and at least 1-2 times per month were also negatively correlated with loneliness scale scores.



高科技產業人員, 遠距工作, 休閒參與, 工作壓力, 孤獨感, High-Tech Industry Employees, Remote work, Leisure participation, Work stress, Loneliness





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