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本研究旨在探討社會工作者運用表達性藝術媒材與服務對象工作的經驗,採用質性研究方法,訪談8位曾經使用過表達性藝術媒材且社會工作年資二年以上之現職社會工作者,透過他們的分享,來了解:使用表達性藝術媒材之動機、學習表達性藝術治療的管道及使用表達性藝術媒材工作的過程與困境等。主要研究發現為: 一、個人興趣、職場中的反思與觀察、家人影響是社會工作者運用表達性藝術媒材與服務對象工作的主要動機。 二、社會工作者汲取表達性藝術治療知能的管道有大專院校、職場與其他等多元途徑。 三、表達性藝術媒材之使用,可達到促進肢體功能、減重、提升生活自理能力、探索自我、促進認知與記憶功能、增強權能、發展同理心、穩定情緒、增加服務對象的生活經驗、增加人際互動經驗甚至提升社交能力之處遇目標。 四、表達性藝術治療媒材之使用,對社會工作者而言,有助於工作關係之建立、增進對服務對象之認識、及問題評估之進行,對服務對象來說,則有提升專注力、提升配合度、提供心理支持、協助放鬆或抒發情緒、表達想法之效果。 五、社會工作者在使用表達性藝術媒材的過程中,會面臨表達性藝術媒材本身特性、服務對象、社會工作者本身、勞動環境與機構文化、專業定位等面向之挑戰。 綜合上述研究發現可知,表達性藝術媒材適宜作為社會工作者提供處遇服務之工具。最後期待本研究能為學術及實務界帶來專業工作上之反思與精進,並使社會工作服務的輸送過程更加順暢。
This study is aimed at investigating the experience of social workers in using expressive art materials to work with service targets. A qualitative research method was used to interview eight active social workers who had used expressive art media and worked in social work for at least two years. Through their sharing, this study sought to understand their motives in using expressive art materials, the channels through which they learned expressive art therapy, and the process of and predicament in using expressive art materials in their work.The main research findings are encapsulated below: 1. Personal interest, reflection and observations at the workplace, and influences of family members are the major motivations for social workers to employ expressive art materials in their work with service targets. 2. The channels through which social workers acquire their competencies in art therapy are diversified, which include colleges, the workplace, and others. 3. The use of expressive art materials can help achieve the following treatment goals, namely, improving limb functions, weight loss, raising self-care ability, self-exploration, promoting cognitive and memory functions, empowerment, developing empathy, stabilizing emotion, increasing the life experiences of service targets, increasing experience in interpersonal interaction, and even enhancing social skills.4. For social workers, the use of art therapy materials enables them to establish working relationships and enhance their understanding of service targets, thereby facilitating the implementation of problem assessment. For service targets, it has the effects of improving their concentration, enhancing their interpersonal compatibility, providing psychological support, and helping them relax or express emotions as well as ideas.5. In the process of using expressive art materials, social workers are confronted with challenges from several dimensions, including the characteristics of the expressive art materials itself, service targets, social workers themselves, work environment and institutional culture, and professional positioning.In light of the above research findings, expressive art materials are fit to serve as tools for social workers in providing treatment services. Finally, it is hoped that this study will bring about reflection and refinement of professional work for both academics and practitioners, and make the delivery process of social work services smoother.



表達性藝術治療, 媒材, 社會工作, expressive art therapy, materials, social work





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