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本文是以《台南運河奇案歌》、《乞食開藝旦歌》這兩首歌仔為文本做為研究的對象,其內容以1987年5月第8版《台南運河奇案歌》全四本、1989年6月第9版《乞食開藝旦歌》全二本,共計有近一萬一千字,故事的背景為日治時期的社會事件與軼聞奇案,因此本文展開對於歌仔冊的研究與探討,這是很有意義的。本文擬以竹林版為藍本,並參考期刊與各種碩博士論文、社會新聞史料與學 者耆老訪談資料,做為本文所要探討與研究的對象,藉由探討這兩首歌仔,在韻式與用字方面以及詞彙、語言風格上的特色與取向,藉由其語言現象的解析,使進一步引人趣味而深入研究。 本文採用文獻調查法、語音分析法、詞彚解析法、用字分析法等研究方法,分析《台南運河奇案歌》、《乞食開藝旦歌》所呈現的語言現象。 本文共分為五章: 第一章為「緒論」包括研究動機與目的、研究方法、文獻回顧及歌仔冊概說及《台南運河奇案歌》、《乞食開藝旦歌》的背景資料。 第二章「用韻分析」分析其用韻特色,可以推論其為漳泉混合腔。 第三章「用字取向」研究歌仔冊當中的漢字現象,可以區分為本字、訓讀字、借音字等三種。 第四章「詞彙與語言風格探討」研究歌仔冊的詞彙和音韻的關係,本研究列舉特殊詞彙分析語言風格,同時解析台語的美。 第五章「結語」則就本文研究之歌仔冊在其用韻、音讀、用字、詞彙、特殊詞彙、構詞分析、語言風格等層面,做一簡單回顧,最後談到本文研究之歌仔冊在語文教育上的功能,本研究企圖累積閩南語文獻的分析資料,希望能對本土語言教育有所助益,能讓我們從中多瞭解人民如何看待這些歌仔冊的意義。
This thesis is based on " Tâi-lâm ūn-hô kî àn kua "," Khit-tsia̍h khai gē-tuànn kua " both "Kua-a-tsheh" as research as targets﹐they include, 8th edition﹐May 1987 Tâi- lâm ūn-hô kî àn kua "has four volumes, 9th edition﹐June 1989 " Khit-tsia̍h khai gē- tuànn kua " has two volumes, it can reach almost 11000 words,the background of "Kua-a-tsheh"was some social events and anecdotes happened in the Japenese period, Therefore,the study and researchment involve into"Kua-a-tsheh"is very meaningful.this thesis intend to use Zu-Lin's edition and the relevant version of"Kua-a-tsheh",refere- nces journals and thesis of doctor's, and master'speriodicals specialized books, social, interviews of scholars and the elderly, as the object of discussion, study with news, both two"Kua-a-tsheh",in rhyme,character's choice phrase,language stylecharacteristi- cs and its trends.by the way of language phenomenon exploration, that's why people can be attracted,and further research it, too. This thesis uses literature conducting,phonetical analysis,morphological analysis, character's choice four ways of researchment,also analyzing the language's phenomen- on of"Tâi-lâm ūn-hô kî àn kua","Khit-tsia̍h khai gē-tuànn kua". This thesis is divided into five chapters: The first chapter introduction,including research motivation, purpose, methods, literature review, the concepment of "Kua-a-tsheh" and the background's of "Tâi-lâm- ūn-hô kî ànkua","Khit-tsia̍h khai gē-tuànn kua". Chapter2:"analysis of rhymes"analyzing the feature of rhyme,consulted it contai- ns some other dialects such asZhang-Zheng, rhyming. Chapter3:"The trend of using words"study the phenomenon of chinese characters of"Kua-a-tsheh",they are divided into three big kinds"the original form of a character, explanations of words in ancient books,lend the tone word and so on. Chapter4:discusses about"vocabulary and language style,study the relationship betwe- en vocabulary and rhyme,This study listed many special examples of vocabullarys, analyzing language style,and exploring the beauty of Taiwanese langua-ge at the same time. Chapter5:"conclusion" for the purposes of this article on"Kua-a-tsheh"in the using of the rhyme, spelling, character's choice,vocabullary,special special examples of vocabulary,morphological analysis, language style,and so on,do a simple review of this article,Finally,there is a discussion about the educational function and linguistic value of"Kua-a-tsheh",This study is attempting to build further on the research of Minnan literature, Hope that we can make some contributions in local language education,. Probably, we can get more understanding that people how to view and explain the meaningof "Kua-a-tsheh".



歌仔冊, 押韻, 台語, 台灣文化, 用字, Kua-a-tsheh, Rhyme, Taiwanese language, Taiwanese culture, Character's choice





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