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動畫對每位學生來說並不陌生,無論是電視中的卡通動畫、網路隨手可看的短篇動畫或是電影動畫,皆是生活中熟悉不過的視覺藝術,根據教育部(2015)十二年國教藝術領域課綱草案基本理念中所提及,學校應營造機會讓學生探索與感受生活環境中的人事與景物,認識與鑑賞環境中各類藝術形式與作品,因此研究者從生活中經常看到的視覺性影像取材,藉由iPad中應用程式來製作簡易逐格動畫,探究課程設計、教學策略與學生學習成效。 本研究採行動研究法,研究對象為新北市某私立小學四年級學生,研究者同時擔任教學設計者與教學者。量化資料方面,透過回饋問卷所蒐集的資料,進行學生學習成效與態度的分析;質性分析方面,由學生訪談記錄、教師教學札記、觀察記錄表、學生作品等資料來進行分析與探討。 從本研究中發現: 一、逐格動畫融入國小視覺藝術教學是具有可行的。 二、結合資訊科技iPad教學,符合現時代潮流,能提升學生的學習態度、表現與學習成效。 三、藉由合作學習與問題導向學習策略,培養學生同儕間溝通與合作協調能力,學生皆持正向反應回饋。 本研究的研究成果期望能提供給教學現場的教師們,注入國小視覺藝術課程參考的新契機。
Students are familiar with animations. A student can easily access any kind of animations through TV or online. Animations are the common visual arts that surround in our daily life. According to 12-year Basic Education of Arts and Humanities Learning Areas curriculum guidelines protocol, released by Ministry of Education, 2015, a school should create the opportunities for students to explore and perceive everything in our life; to understand and appreciate various types of artwork. Therefore, the researcher utilized the everyday visual images, by making simple stop-motion animations through the app in Ipad, to investigate curriculum design, instructional strategies, and student academic achievement. The study undertook the method of action research. The subjects of research were fourth-grade students in a private elementary school in New Taipei City. The researcher was the curriculum designer and the instructor of this research. The quantitative data were collected in the method of feedback questionnaires and were analyzed by the student learning results and attitude. The qualitative analyses were conducted in the method of student interviews, researcher's teaching notes, student observation records, and students' work. In this study, the researcher concluded the following results: 1.It is feasible to integrate stop-motion animation into visual arts education in elementary school. 2.It is on trends to integrate technology into education by using Ipad. With this technique, it can upgrade students' learning attitude, performance, and overall outcome. 3.Through collaborating and problem-solving learning strategies, the students develop the abilities of communication, cooperation, and coordination. The researcher got positive feedback from the students. The researcher expected the results of this study will provide the instructors in schools a brand new direction as a reference to benefit their teaching.



逐格動畫, 行動研究, 視覺藝術, iPad教學, Stop motion Animation, An Action Research, Visual Art, iPad teaching





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