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本研究旨在探究職業重建個案管理員服務歷程,研究方法採質性研究取向,以半結構式與面對面的深度訪談來蒐集資料。研究參與者共5位,以3位資深職業重建個案管理員為主要研究對象;另外輔以訪談1位資歷未滿三年職業重建個案管理員及1位職業重建個案管理之專業督導。研究資料分析乃透過NVIVO. 10軟體進行編碼。本研究有兩項發現:職業重建個案管理員共同之五項服務歷程;以及職業重建個案管理員之工作困境。本研究之結論簡述如下: 一、五位研究參與者在服務歷程中包含 (一)從模仿專家漸漸發展個人特色與統整— 個人統整度逐漸增加,尋求更成熟的風格。 (二)從依賴他人指導,進而獨立找出自己的工作模式— 內化的專業技能使工作表現的焦慮感大為減少,並能掌握工作 的環境因素。 (三)從單一特定方式,學習到可以融合不同理論技術來提供服務— 原僅單一理論技術運用在實務工作,進而可以使用多種理論技 術協助服務對象。 (四)從純技術理論的思考,到融入個人服務信念的風格— 服務中心思想加入其服務信念,融合成個人獨特的服務風格, 使其不同於其他職業重建個案管理員。 (五)從生手到展現專業自信— 從原先新進人員開始努力累積實務經驗後,逐漸對自己有信心 且可以成為專家與督導的角色。 二、而五位職業重建個案管理員所遭遇之共同工作困境為: (一)職涯發展非原先規劃。 (二)主管不支持。 (三)服務對象的挑戰。 (四)專業知能不足。 (五)團隊經營困難。 基於研究結果,本研究針對主管機關、職業重建個案管理員,以及對未來研究等各方面,提出相關建議。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the service process of vocational rehabilitation case managers. The research method was qualitative research. Qualitative in-depth and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 3 senior vocational rehabilitation case managers , 1 juior vocational rehabilitation case manager and 1 supervisor. The data were analyzed using NVivo 10 program. The findings of this study consisted of two parts, the common factors of vocational rehabilitation case manager’s service process and the difficulties they encountered . Five common aspects were found in the service processes: 1. From copying role model approach, they have gradually developed their professional skills and knowledge. 2. From relying on others to guide them, they have independently established their own work patterns. 3. From taking a single approach, they have integrated it with various techniques. 4. From referring a pure theory, they have combined it with their own practices. 5. From being a green hand of confidence, they have showed more confidence based on their experiences. Their difficulties included : 1. Change of career goals. 2. Lack of support from the supervisors. 3. The challenge from the consumers. 4. Lack of professional knowledge. 5. Difficulties in professional team management. Suggestions for vocational rehabilitation related organizations and further research were also provided.



職業重建個案管理員, 服務歷程, 工作困境, vocational rehabilitation case managers, service processes, difficulties





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