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親善大使是由學生所組成的禮賓服務團隊,執行接待、典禮主持或校園導覽等服務工作。本研究旨在探討大學校園親善大使自初選招募、培訓養成與工作執行的歷程,分析其所培育的素養以及服務信念,進而了解親善大使的實踐歷程中,對於推動美感教育所扮演的角色。採取質性研究「多重個案方式」,選取三間大學校園親善大使作為研究個案,透過訪談、文件分析取得研究資料,再藉由分析與整理,歸納出以下結論: 一、親善大使團隊運作以目標宗旨、培訓課程與工作內容為經,以招募、考核與檢討為緯,交織出專屬親善大使團隊的運作循環歷程。 二、親善大使初選挑選特質為「熱誠」與「潛力」,並透過篩選制度嚴選人才,提升學習成效且確保團隊品質。 三、親善大使的培訓系統為內外兼具的養成,以此建立認知、情意與技能三大構面的知能素養。 四、親善大使的「服務信念」,反映於要求美善品質、自我實現的服務工作中。 五、美力親善,構築形象美之典範。 六、親善大使的服務為美感經驗之凝聚:禮賓服務催化良善互動,強化多元感知;校園導覽活化校園美學,深化在地認同。 七、親善大使的養成與實踐為「講究」產生「美感」的經驗歷程,並透過學校教育非正式課程學習與執行,進而將美感實踐於服務中。 八、親善大使的服務使學校形象提升,同時提升軟實力與競爭力。 最後,依據研究結論,針對大學校園親善大使、美感教育與後續研究等三個面向提出建議。
Campus ambassadors is a group of trained students who provide services like guest reception, ceremony hosting and campus tour. This research aims to analyze the values and faiths with which these ambassadors are equipped through the process of recruitment, training, and operation, further discovering the role they take in implementing aesthetic education. By adopting multiple case studies method, one of the strategies of qualitative research, this study selects campus ambassador groups from three different universities as research subjects. Through interviewing and analyzing data, the conclusions are listed as below: A. The operation of campus ambassadors is an effective cycle based on the group objective, training courses, hands-on practices, recruitment, and assessment. B. The criteria of ambassador recruitment are strictly followed to ensure the member quality and enhance learning effectiveness. Passion and potential are two core values in selecting new ambassadors. C. The training process not only equips students with extrinsic skills but also with intrinsic preparation for mindset. Three perspectives of competency: cognition, affection, and skill, can thus be established. D. The service guidelines reflect the pursuit for the high quality of beauty and goodness, as well as self-fulfillment. E. Beauty and good will set the model for the beauty of image. F. Services provided by campus ambassadors are a collection of aesthetic experience. Guest reception stimulates positive interaction, strengthening diverse perceptions; campus tour activates aesthetics within campus, deepening local recognition. G. The cultivation and practices of campus ambassadors is the experience that emphasizes aesthetic formation. Aesthetics is implemented in service through informal curriculum and practices. H. Campus ambassadors enhance school image, as well as students’ soft skills and competency. Lastly, based on the research conclusions, suggestions are provided in this research in terms of campus ambassadors in universities, aesthetic education, and further study.



親善大使, 美感實踐, 美感教育, campus ambassadors, aesthetic practices, aesthetic education





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