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  本研究主要目的旨在瞭解舉辦中華職棒回饋列車與提升中華職棒大聯盟品牌形象影響之情形,並且比較不同人口背景變項之進場觀賽球迷對其之差異情形。本研究對象為曾進場觀賽之中華職棒大聯盟之球迷,於2010年3月20日至4月5日以自編之「中華職棒回饋列車對中華職棒大聯盟品牌形象影響程度調查問卷」發放共450份,有效樣本問卷為410份。本研究問卷所得之資料,經描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關等統計方法分析結果並得到以下結論: 一、中華職棒回饋列車在以捐贈球具及技術指導等方式進行,近年來更在主要的合作單位「行政院體育委員會」及「教育部」的協助下將關懷觸角延伸至大專球隊。 二、不同年齡、教育程度、月收入的進場觀賽球迷在中華職棒回饋列車認知上均達顯著差異。 三、不同性別、年齡、教育程度、月收入、進場觀賽次數及支持球隊的進場觀賽球迷在中華職棒大聯盟品牌形象上均達顯著差異。 四、舉辦中華職棒回饋列車對提升中華職棒大聯盟品牌形象並無顯著相關。   根據研究結果,建議中華職棒應持續進行相關善因行銷活動但應使球迷得以實際參與以增加對活動的認同感。此外,因應使用網路資源獲取職棒相關資訊的比例逐漸升高,建議中華職棒大聯盟相關人員應多加利用時下流行的社群網路管道來開拓新球迷基礎。並建議與各球團合作建立球迷資料庫,才得以有效率的進行相關研究及真正針對球迷的需求進行相關行銷活動。
  There were two main purpose of this study. One was to understand the influense of holding CPBL baseball train and promoting CPBL’s brand image,the other was to compare the difference of these two variables from different characteristics.   There were 410 valid samples were collected and the statistical methods included descriptive statistics,independent t-tests,independent one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s method and Pearson product moment.The results of this study were: 1.CPBL baseball train hold in the way of donating gears and teaching technique and the main sponsors were Sports Affairs Council and Minstery of Education. 2.Different age, education and monthly incomes had significant differences at the CPBL baseball train. 3.Different Sexuality, age, education, monthly incomes, viewing game times and different teams supporting had significant differences at the brand image. 4.According to the Pearson product moment,there was no significant positive between holding CPBL baseball train with promoting CPBL’s brand image.   According to the results, CPBL should take fans into the event and continuously holding CPBL baseball train.Otherwise, CPBL should use more internet resources to attract differenct group of fans and build database of fans.



善因行銷, 中華職棒回饋列車, 中華職棒大聯盟, 品牌形象, Cause-related marketing, CPBL baseball train, CPBL, brand image





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