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  本研究旨在探究社會工作學系視覺障礙學生就業前工作技能之準備目標,研究者採用的是質性研究法,以立意取樣的方式,邀請十位研究參與者參與本研究。分別是三位社會工作學系視障大學生;一位盲用電腦老師與一位大學資源教室個管員;以及五位社工接受訪問,由研究參與者分別描述其所認知的社工工作技能、學習歷程、工作歷程,輔以研究者進行工作觀察記錄。經過研究者將資料進行編碼、分析與詮釋,研究結果先呈現研究者透過訪談整理之各項社工之實務工作內容,再分別呈現所描述的社工工作內容所需之各項工作技能。最後,分析與綜合討論影響視障者從事社工工作時,在工作技能上的落差原因為何。   研究結果顯示,各項社工工作相關技能,分別為:語文能力、數學能力、電腦資訊能力、生活自理能力以及定向行動能力。而視障者深受外在環境和個人身心特質等因素影響,本研究基於受訪者描述與研究者觀察,綜合討論並提出造成視障者在五大項工作技能的落差之影響層面。   另外,本研究受限於對象、方法和時間,僅能呈現出這十位研究參與者所描述之社工工作技能、個人學習經歷與生活經驗,未能代表所有社工相關科系視障大學生與專業社工在職人員之認知與體驗,是本研究限制之處。
This study aims to explore the pre-employment job skills of social work among university students with visual impairment, the researcher uses qualitative research methods, purposive sampling approach, inviting ten study participants in the study: The three are the Department of Social Work students with visual impairment; A computer teacher and a case manager of college resource room; and five social workers interviewed by the study participants describe their cognitive social skills, learning history, work history, combined with the researchers observed and recorded work. By coding, analyzing and interpreting the transcript, The results presented first is substantive work of the social workers, and then were presented what job skills need for the substantive work. Finally, by analysis and synthesis discuss, presented what gap cause visually impaired people who engaged in social work in the job skills. The results show that the social work-related skills, namely: language skills, math skills, computer and information capabilities, living skills and orientation and mobility capability. The visually impaired influences by the external environment and personal mental and physical traits and other factors, The visually impaired deeply influences by the extrinsic environment and personal mental and physical traits and other factors, this study based on the respondents describe and the researcher observed, discuss and make a comprehensive impact of the visually impaired in the gap of job skills. The study is limited by the objects, methods and time, only showing social work skills described by the ten study participants, their individual learning experience and life experience, failed to represent the cognition and experience of all social work students with visual impairment and social worker.



視覺障礙, 社會工作, 工作技能, 質性研究, visually impaired, social work, job skills, qualitative research





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