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在學習化學的歷程中,不論是物質三態、理想氣體模型、碰撞學說與平衡的相關概念的科學學習上,微觀的粒子概念是理解化學概念的重要基礎。然而,學生在日常生活的觀察之中,不容易察覺與體驗出化學概念中微觀世界的想法,導致在學習理想氣體粒子模型與氣體動力論困難重重,甚至對於氣體的巨觀現象做出許多錯誤的推理因,而產生許多的迷思概念或另有概念(Novick & Nussbaum,1981;Millar,1990;Benson et al., 1993)。本研究根據文獻所提及氣體粒子的迷思概念/心智模式類型,設計出一系列相關氣體體積、壓力、蒸氣壓、擴散與微觀世界中氣體粒子運動關係的診斷式紙筆測驗(預試對像為高三學生,男:45,女:37,共計82人,信度為0.913),來探討學生理想氣體心智模式的類型。在教學方面,根據理想氣體粒子模型的特性(剛性粒子、隨機運動等)設計符合其現象及屬性的多重表徵的模型教學,藉著分析心智模式類型的分佈與演變途徑,及比較教學前、後及延宕測驗中3C(Correctness、Consistency、Completeness)的演變情形(Chi & Roscoe,2002;Vosniadou,2002;邱美虹,2006),來瞭解多重表徵的模型教學(實驗組為39人,男:27、女:12)是否比傳統文本教學(控制組為40人,男:32、女:8)更能有效增進學生對於理想氣體的科學學習與概念改變。
(1)在教學成效方面:實驗組與控制組兩組學生在教學前並未達顯著差異(paired-t test,正確性:t=.781,p=.440; 一致性:t=1.705,p=.081; 完整性:t=1.04, p=.306),教學後則達到顯著差異(ANCOVA ,正確性:F=36.4,p=.000; 一致性:F=40.9,p=.000;完整性:F=42.4,p=.000)。特別在微觀方面,實驗組的正確性顯著優於控制組(F=43.6,p=.000),顯示出藉由多重表徵的教學方式,的確有助於學生建立正確的微觀氣體粒子運動模型。
In the process of learning chemistry, the microscopic concept of particles has been regarded as an important basis in understanding certain chemistry concepts, such as states of matter, ideal gas particles models, collision theory, or chemical equilibrium. It is difficult for students to be aware of and experience the ideas about the micro world in chemistry in their daily lives. They even make plenty of incorrect inferences concerning the macroscopic phenomena of gas, which in turn lead to numerous misconceptions (Novick& Nussbaum, 1981; Millar, 1990; Benson et al., 1993). To find out students』 difficulties in learning related concepts of ideal gas theory, based on the misconceptions / mental models of gas particles discussed in the literature, this research designs a series of diagnostic paper-and-pencil tests (There are 82 12th students in high school participate pre-test, forty-five students are male and thirty-seven students are female. The reliability is 0.913) about gas volume, gas pressure, vapor pressure, diffusion, and gas particles movements in the micro world. The purpose of this research attempts to explore students』 various types of mental models of ideal gas. In practical teaching, the researcher, based on the properties (rigid particles; random motions) of ideal gas particles models, designs multiple representations modeling activities. Through analyzing the distribution and the evolutionary pathways of mental models and comparing the variation of 3C (Correctness, Consistency, Completeness) before and after teaching as well as the follow-up tests (Chi& Roscoe, 2002; Vosniadou, 2002; Chiu, 2006), this research would like to see if multiple representations modeling activities (the experimental group: 39, male: 27, female: 12) improve students』 conceptual change in scientific learning toward ideal gas than the traditional way of textbook teaching (the control group: 40, male: 32, female: 8) more effectively. After two weeks』 (totally eight class periods) teaching, the researcher analyzes the correctness, consistency and completeness of students』 conceptions on gases between the two groups, and their responses in the five units of dynamic assessments. The outcome of the research can be summarized as follows: (1) The effectiveness of teaching: There is no significant difference between the control group and the experimental group before teaching (paired-t test, correctness: t=.781, p=.440; consistency: t=1.705, p=.081; completeness: t=1.04, p=.306). However, it shows significant difference between two groups after teaching (ANCOVA, correctness: F=36.4, p=.000; consistency: F=40.9, p=.000; completeness: F=42.4,p=.000). Especially in the micro phase, the correctness of the experimental group is significantly superior to that of the control group (F=43.6, p=.000). It indicates that the multiple representations modeling teaching may assist students to develop correct microscopic models of gas particles motion. (2) In the process of dynamic assessments, the scores in the four assessments of the experimental group are far better than those of the control group except in the second assessment. (3) Students』 mental models are judged from their explanations on six questions related to micro conceptions on gas pressure in the diagnostic test. Therefore, the students』 mental models are categorized into ten types: scientific model, scientific flaw, scientific models plus others, molecular weight model, volume model, attraction model, kinetic energy model, active model, bi-mental model, and inconsistent mixture model. The evolution of the mental models towards gas pressure in the experimental group goes as follows: mixture (30.1%) → scientific flaw (35.8%) → scientific flaw (46.1%).The evolution of the mental models towards gas pressure in the control group goes as follows: mixture (45.0%) → mixture (45.0%) → mixture (37.5%). The mental models of the students in the experimental group move towards scientific model / scientific flaw. Due to the lack of consistent multiple representations of particles with phenomena in control group, it is difficulty to help the students in control group develop correct mental models. (4) Multiple representations modeling teaching and dynamic assessments help students build up the ontology of emergent process. Through the multiple representations modeling teaching, such as visual mixture, concrete mixture, math mixture, and motion mixture, the students in the experimental group develop a full concept on rigid particles. Moreover, they recognize the random motion of particles in the micro world and understand that the factors contributing to gas pressure come from the transition of kinetic energy in each volume unit when fast-moving particles crash the wall of the containers. Therefore, there are 48.7% of the students in the experimental group undergo some of the more difficult conceptual changes, such as from matter to process or from direct process to emergent process shortly after teaching. And 20.5% of the students in the experimental group gradually form the emergent process ontology in their learning process. (5) From the students』 open-ended questionnaire, we realize most students, in terms of their emotions, are positive towards multiple representations modeling activities. This research attempts to apply multiple representations modeling activities to ideal gas teaching. And it shows the teaching results excel those of the traditional textbook teaching. The findings of this research encourage science teachers to adapt modeling teaching in their classroom activities. With the time allowance, science teachers should help students observe and understand the scientific models embedded in phenomena through the interactions between expressed models and different representations, which thus repair or modify their mental models.
In the process of learning chemistry, the microscopic concept of particles has been regarded as an important basis in understanding certain chemistry concepts, such as states of matter, ideal gas particles models, collision theory, or chemical equilibrium. It is difficult for students to be aware of and experience the ideas about the micro world in chemistry in their daily lives. They even make plenty of incorrect inferences concerning the macroscopic phenomena of gas, which in turn lead to numerous misconceptions (Novick& Nussbaum, 1981; Millar, 1990; Benson et al., 1993). To find out students』 difficulties in learning related concepts of ideal gas theory, based on the misconceptions / mental models of gas particles discussed in the literature, this research designs a series of diagnostic paper-and-pencil tests (There are 82 12th students in high school participate pre-test, forty-five students are male and thirty-seven students are female. The reliability is 0.913) about gas volume, gas pressure, vapor pressure, diffusion, and gas particles movements in the micro world. The purpose of this research attempts to explore students』 various types of mental models of ideal gas. In practical teaching, the researcher, based on the properties (rigid particles; random motions) of ideal gas particles models, designs multiple representations modeling activities. Through analyzing the distribution and the evolutionary pathways of mental models and comparing the variation of 3C (Correctness, Consistency, Completeness) before and after teaching as well as the follow-up tests (Chi& Roscoe, 2002; Vosniadou, 2002; Chiu, 2006), this research would like to see if multiple representations modeling activities (the experimental group: 39, male: 27, female: 12) improve students』 conceptual change in scientific learning toward ideal gas than the traditional way of textbook teaching (the control group: 40, male: 32, female: 8) more effectively. After two weeks』 (totally eight class periods) teaching, the researcher analyzes the correctness, consistency and completeness of students』 conceptions on gases between the two groups, and their responses in the five units of dynamic assessments. The outcome of the research can be summarized as follows: (1) The effectiveness of teaching: There is no significant difference between the control group and the experimental group before teaching (paired-t test, correctness: t=.781, p=.440; consistency: t=1.705, p=.081; completeness: t=1.04, p=.306). However, it shows significant difference between two groups after teaching (ANCOVA, correctness: F=36.4, p=.000; consistency: F=40.9, p=.000; completeness: F=42.4,p=.000). Especially in the micro phase, the correctness of the experimental group is significantly superior to that of the control group (F=43.6, p=.000). It indicates that the multiple representations modeling teaching may assist students to develop correct microscopic models of gas particles motion. (2) In the process of dynamic assessments, the scores in the four assessments of the experimental group are far better than those of the control group except in the second assessment. (3) Students』 mental models are judged from their explanations on six questions related to micro conceptions on gas pressure in the diagnostic test. Therefore, the students』 mental models are categorized into ten types: scientific model, scientific flaw, scientific models plus others, molecular weight model, volume model, attraction model, kinetic energy model, active model, bi-mental model, and inconsistent mixture model. The evolution of the mental models towards gas pressure in the experimental group goes as follows: mixture (30.1%) → scientific flaw (35.8%) → scientific flaw (46.1%).The evolution of the mental models towards gas pressure in the control group goes as follows: mixture (45.0%) → mixture (45.0%) → mixture (37.5%). The mental models of the students in the experimental group move towards scientific model / scientific flaw. Due to the lack of consistent multiple representations of particles with phenomena in control group, it is difficulty to help the students in control group develop correct mental models. (4) Multiple representations modeling teaching and dynamic assessments help students build up the ontology of emergent process. Through the multiple representations modeling teaching, such as visual mixture, concrete mixture, math mixture, and motion mixture, the students in the experimental group develop a full concept on rigid particles. Moreover, they recognize the random motion of particles in the micro world and understand that the factors contributing to gas pressure come from the transition of kinetic energy in each volume unit when fast-moving particles crash the wall of the containers. Therefore, there are 48.7% of the students in the experimental group undergo some of the more difficult conceptual changes, such as from matter to process or from direct process to emergent process shortly after teaching. And 20.5% of the students in the experimental group gradually form the emergent process ontology in their learning process. (5) From the students』 open-ended questionnaire, we realize most students, in terms of their emotions, are positive towards multiple representations modeling activities. This research attempts to apply multiple representations modeling activities to ideal gas teaching. And it shows the teaching results excel those of the traditional textbook teaching. The findings of this research encourage science teachers to adapt modeling teaching in their classroom activities. With the time allowance, science teachers should help students observe and understand the scientific models embedded in phenomena through the interactions between expressed models and different representations, which thus repair or modify their mental models.
多重表徵的模型教學, 心智模式的演變途徑, 概念改變, multiple representations modeling activities, the evolutionary pathway of mental models, conceptual change