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本研究以「聚散飄零」為研究主題,藉由繪畫創作反映筆者的生活與內心。 第一章為本研究之創作動機,陳述自身創作緣由與心境,呈現初入大學、在陌生 環境與人群中的不安,以及畢業後脫離現實群體、身處網路社群的焦慮,藉由潛 意識的研究探討創作思維,深化創作內涵,並運用於系列發想。第二章為文獻探討,爬梳佛洛伊德對潛意識之看法,闡述潛意識為夢境設置 的運行機制,將心靈難以覺察的部分轉化為某種意象,形成夢境畫面的同時,也 進而通往潛意識的道路。其後探討心靈深處之恐懼不安,受自身性格與成長環境 的相互影響,在變動迅速的社會中,個人與群體間的關係容易讓人產生恐懼。第三章在實際分析潛意識後,闡述筆者創作之核心理念,將充滿恐懼不安的 內心世界轉化為圖像表現,探討藝術家如何擷心靈概念並在創作中加以轉化,藉 由變形意象的方式,讓幻想的記號組合成具象的荒謬場景。故創作表現以超現實 為主,以種種象徵與組合抒發感官情緒,將自身所思所想袒露予觀者,進而發現 隱而未現的內心世界。第四章分析個人心靈圖像的表現、個體與群體間的聚散互動關係及其與空間 的呈現,並詳述相應之創作媒材與作畫過程,以期使用繪畫語言代替文字,成為 創作者與觀者間經驗共享之橋樑。第五章作品說明,記錄下創作時掠過腦海的文字並詳細分析與說明系列作品。 第六章結論回顧開始以繪畫作為心情表達之初衷,以理論背景輔佐系列創作,透 過童年影響之創作方式呈現筆者心靈場域,在將來期許能嘗試不同以往的創作方 式,帶給觀者更直接的感受與連結。
This thesis takes “Gather and Disperse” as the research subject, analyzes the way that reflects author’s life and mind through paintings. Chapter one is about the motivation and purpose, describes the feelings of entering college and facing strangeness and unfamiliar crowd, and elaborates worries of status that gradually leaves the crowd and being anxious in internet community after graduated from college. Author discusses those issues through subconscious and dreams, and applies theory to series of paintings.Chapter two describes Literature review that makes an assay of Freud’s view of subconscious, it sets up an operating mechanism to dreams, transforms those part of our mind that is hard to detect into some kind of imagery, and leads to path to subconscious while forming dreams. Then investigate fear and anxiety deep in our heart that is deeply affected by character and growth environment. Especially in rapidly changing mass society, the relationship between person and the crowd is making it easier to generate fear and anxiety in our hearts.Through analyzing subconscious, author tries to transform what’s inside my heart to figurative images in chapter three, mainly uses Surrealism technique of expression, including using symbols and combination to express emotions and expose it to viewer, thereby discover inner world that hasn’t be found before.In chapter four, author resolves the images of her own mind, including the relationship of individual, group and the space that are presented in the picture. Then describes the media, tools and process of making creations, in order to pay the way for the bridge between painter and viewer with paintings instead of words.Chapter five describes author’s paintings, notes the words and thoughts that arisen in mind during process. In the last chapter, author looks back to initial dream that uses painting to express something deep in heart, and paints with theoretical background. Through the way of painting since childhood, author expects to try more methods and different visual presentation that can make viewer getting closer to the painter in the future.
This thesis takes “Gather and Disperse” as the research subject, analyzes the way that reflects author’s life and mind through paintings. Chapter one is about the motivation and purpose, describes the feelings of entering college and facing strangeness and unfamiliar crowd, and elaborates worries of status that gradually leaves the crowd and being anxious in internet community after graduated from college. Author discusses those issues through subconscious and dreams, and applies theory to series of paintings.Chapter two describes Literature review that makes an assay of Freud’s view of subconscious, it sets up an operating mechanism to dreams, transforms those part of our mind that is hard to detect into some kind of imagery, and leads to path to subconscious while forming dreams. Then investigate fear and anxiety deep in our heart that is deeply affected by character and growth environment. Especially in rapidly changing mass society, the relationship between person and the crowd is making it easier to generate fear and anxiety in our hearts.Through analyzing subconscious, author tries to transform what’s inside my heart to figurative images in chapter three, mainly uses Surrealism technique of expression, including using symbols and combination to express emotions and expose it to viewer, thereby discover inner world that hasn’t be found before.In chapter four, author resolves the images of her own mind, including the relationship of individual, group and the space that are presented in the picture. Then describes the media, tools and process of making creations, in order to pay the way for the bridge between painter and viewer with paintings instead of words.Chapter five describes author’s paintings, notes the words and thoughts that arisen in mind during process. In the last chapter, author looks back to initial dream that uses painting to express something deep in heart, and paints with theoretical background. Through the way of painting since childhood, author expects to try more methods and different visual presentation that can make viewer getting closer to the painter in the future.
恐懼, 潛意識, 超現實主義, 聚散, 飄零, fear, subconscious, surrealism, gather and disperse, wandering