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許多研究證實二手菸當中的化學物質對人體健康有廣泛性的影響,二手菸內的致癌物質同時導致各種癌症發生,而吸菸所釋出的二手菸、熄掉香菸的斷菸殘蒂燃燒以及殘留在衣物或周圍環境中的菸氣,讓人吸入也會危害健康,尤其嬰幼兒孩童屬於脆弱的一群,更容易因為暴露於二手菸的環境而導致健康上的危害,本研究旨在探討父母親保護子女免於二手菸暴露之重要信念及可執行的有效策略與方法。因此,本研究採用「Q方法」,以來三重區衛生所民眾中,家中有0~5歲嬰幼兒之父母親,邀請50位受訪者為對象,將42句父母親保護子女免於二手菸暴露信念看法之Q-敘述句進行Q排列,研究結果運用PQ Method 2.35版統計軟體,進行量化統計分析,歸類受訪人數為43人,解釋變異量65%,本研究結果依嬰幼兒之父母親對保護子女免於二手菸暴露之信念,將父母親觀點分為五種因素類型:第一型避免人際衝突型、第二型隨遇而安無謂型、第三型加強環境覺察型、第四型避免菸害保護型、第五型隱忍家人吸菸型。此研究有助於探索分析嬰幼兒之父母親對保護子女免於二手菸暴露之看法、態度、與內涵,期望透過父母親的觀點依據研究結果使健康從業人員更能有效防制孩童暴露於二手菸環境中,也為未來菸害介入提供了策略規劃之意見。
Chemicals in second-hand smoke have been already confirmed by many researches as having a widespread impact on human health. Not only do carcinogens in second-hand smoke cause a variety of cancers, but the release of second-hand smoke by smoking, the burning of the remnant of extinguished cigarettes and smoke residues in clothing or in the surrounding environment can also be hazardous to health, particularly that of vulnerable groups such as infants and young children who are more likely to be exposed to second-hand smoke.The aim of this study was to explore the important beliefs, enforceable effective strategies and methods of parents to protect their children from exposure to second-hand smoke.This study used "Q methodology" with 50 parents as subjects who have young children at residences in the Health Center of Sanchong District, of which 42 Q-statements of parents concerning their beliefs about protecting children from exposure to second-hand smoke were classified. The quantitative statistical analysis of research results was performed by PQ Method 2.35 statistical software. The number of respondents was 43, with the explained variation at 65%. Parents were divided into five types according to their beliefs: first type is to avoid interpersonal conflict, the second type is to go along with what’s senseless, the third type is to strengthen environmental awareness, the fourth type is to avoid a smoking hazard and the fifth type is to tolerate family member’s smoking. In addition to helping explore the views, attitudes, and intentions of parents in protecting their children from exposure to second-hand smoke, this study also expected that health workers would be more effective in controlling the environment from second-hand smoke exposure to children through parental perspectives derived from this research as well as be able to serve as advice for future strategic planning of intervention in smoking.
Chemicals in second-hand smoke have been already confirmed by many researches as having a widespread impact on human health. Not only do carcinogens in second-hand smoke cause a variety of cancers, but the release of second-hand smoke by smoking, the burning of the remnant of extinguished cigarettes and smoke residues in clothing or in the surrounding environment can also be hazardous to health, particularly that of vulnerable groups such as infants and young children who are more likely to be exposed to second-hand smoke.The aim of this study was to explore the important beliefs, enforceable effective strategies and methods of parents to protect their children from exposure to second-hand smoke.This study used "Q methodology" with 50 parents as subjects who have young children at residences in the Health Center of Sanchong District, of which 42 Q-statements of parents concerning their beliefs about protecting children from exposure to second-hand smoke were classified. The quantitative statistical analysis of research results was performed by PQ Method 2.35 statistical software. The number of respondents was 43, with the explained variation at 65%. Parents were divided into five types according to their beliefs: first type is to avoid interpersonal conflict, the second type is to go along with what’s senseless, the third type is to strengthen environmental awareness, the fourth type is to avoid a smoking hazard and the fifth type is to tolerate family member’s smoking. In addition to helping explore the views, attitudes, and intentions of parents in protecting their children from exposure to second-hand smoke, this study also expected that health workers would be more effective in controlling the environment from second-hand smoke exposure to children through parental perspectives derived from this research as well as be able to serve as advice for future strategic planning of intervention in smoking.
二手菸暴露, 嬰幼兒, Q方法, second-hand smoke exposure, infants, Q methodology