本研究旨在瞭解特殊教育學校兼任行政工作教師工作滿意度之現況,並探討不同個人背景及不同學校環境背景間工作滿意度之差異。本研究採用問卷調查法,以98學年度第二學期國內23所公立特殊教育學校兼任行政工作教師為研究對象進行普查,共計發出問卷344份,回收問卷310份,回收率90%,有效問卷289份,有效回收率84%。以百分比、平均數、標準差之描述性統計方法進行資料分析後,獲致以下十項結論:一、國內23所公立特殊教育學校兼任行政工作教師整體工作滿意度為中程度工作滿意。二、在性別上,男性教師整體工作滿意度高於女性教師,而工作滿意度感受皆為中程度工作滿意。三、在年齡上,年齡愈高教師工作滿意度愈高,年齡愈低教師則工作滿意度愈低。四、在婚姻狀況上,已婚教師整體工作滿意度與各向度均高於未婚教師,而工作滿意度感受皆為中程度工作滿意。五、在特教專業背景上,特殊教育研究所畢業教師整體工作滿意度最高,其次為特殊教育學分班結業教師,特殊教育學系畢業教師最低。六、在兼任行政處室上,整體工作滿意度由高至低依序為校長室、總務處、實習輔導處、研究發展處、輔導室、學務處(訓導處)、教務處(教導處)。七、在兼任行政職務上,整體工作滿意度與各向度均顯示兼任秘書滿意度最高,其次為兼任主任,兼任組長滿意度最低。八、在兼任行政年資上,兼任年資愈高則整體工作滿意度愈高,兼任年資愈低則工作滿意度愈低。九、在學校所在地區上,位於都會區學校之教師其整體工作滿意度高於位於鄉鎮地區之教師。十、在學校規模上,中小型學校(13-24班)教師整體工作滿意度最高,小型學校(12班以下) 工作滿意度最低,中型(25-36班)學校及大型學校(37班以上)居中。
This study aims to understand the job satisfaction of teachers with administrative tasks of special education schools by comparing teachers’ different personal backgrounds and the differences of environmental backgrounds. This study used questionnaires. A total study population of 344 teachers of 23 public special education schools with administrative tasks carried out the census. There were 310 questionnaires returned. The response rate was 90%. There were 289 valid questionnaires and the effective rate was 84%. Percentage, mean and standard deviation of descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. This study leads to the following 10 conclusions: (1)In terms of the overall job satisfaction, it showed that teachers with administrative tasks of special education schools had a middle-high degree of job satisfaction. (2)In terms of gender, it showed that male teachers had higher degree of job satisfaction than female teachers. (3)In terms of age, the higher the age the higher the job satisfaction of teachers. (4)In marital status, the married teachers had higher job satisfaction than the unmarried teachers. (5)In terms of professional background in special education, it showed that teachers with master degree in special education had the highest job satisfaction, followed by the graduation of teachers in special education. Teachers with bachelor degree in special education had the lowest job satisfaction. (6)In terms of the administrative offices, teachers’ job satisfaction were as the following order: Office of Principal, Office of General Affairs, Office practice guidance, research and development office, counseling rooms, Academic Affairs Office, Office of Academic Affairs. (7)In terms of the part-time administrative duties, it showed that teachers serving as secretaries were the most satisfied, followed by directors for teachers, and then the teachers serving as heads. (8)In terms of years in administrative position, it showed that years of higher overall job satisfaction is higher. (9)In the school district, it showed that teachers in the metropolitan area had higher job satisfaction than teachers in the rural region. (10)In school size, teachers with the number of 13-24 classes were the most satisfied, followed by the number of 25-36 and the numbers with 37 or more classes, while the number of 12 classes had the lowest job satisfaction. Based on the above discussion and analysis of results, the forming conclusions and recommendations were for special education school administrative units as reference.
This study aims to understand the job satisfaction of teachers with administrative tasks of special education schools by comparing teachers’ different personal backgrounds and the differences of environmental backgrounds. This study used questionnaires. A total study population of 344 teachers of 23 public special education schools with administrative tasks carried out the census. There were 310 questionnaires returned. The response rate was 90%. There were 289 valid questionnaires and the effective rate was 84%. Percentage, mean and standard deviation of descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. This study leads to the following 10 conclusions: (1)In terms of the overall job satisfaction, it showed that teachers with administrative tasks of special education schools had a middle-high degree of job satisfaction. (2)In terms of gender, it showed that male teachers had higher degree of job satisfaction than female teachers. (3)In terms of age, the higher the age the higher the job satisfaction of teachers. (4)In marital status, the married teachers had higher job satisfaction than the unmarried teachers. (5)In terms of professional background in special education, it showed that teachers with master degree in special education had the highest job satisfaction, followed by the graduation of teachers in special education. Teachers with bachelor degree in special education had the lowest job satisfaction. (6)In terms of the administrative offices, teachers’ job satisfaction were as the following order: Office of Principal, Office of General Affairs, Office practice guidance, research and development office, counseling rooms, Academic Affairs Office, Office of Academic Affairs. (7)In terms of the part-time administrative duties, it showed that teachers serving as secretaries were the most satisfied, followed by directors for teachers, and then the teachers serving as heads. (8)In terms of years in administrative position, it showed that years of higher overall job satisfaction is higher. (9)In the school district, it showed that teachers in the metropolitan area had higher job satisfaction than teachers in the rural region. (10)In school size, teachers with the number of 13-24 classes were the most satisfied, followed by the number of 25-36 and the numbers with 37 or more classes, while the number of 12 classes had the lowest job satisfaction. Based on the above discussion and analysis of results, the forming conclusions and recommendations were for special education school administrative units as reference.
特殊教育學校, 兼任行政工作, 工作滿意度, Special Education School, Administrators with Minimal Amount of Teaching Children with Special Needs, Job Satisfaction