妝‧扮 —陳苾文的百變芭比創作論述

dc.contributor.authorChen, Bi-wenen_US
dc.description.abstract幾乎每個小女孩都有妝扮芭比娃娃的經驗,長大進入社會後,「妝扮」更成為構成流行文化和時尚潮流的重要元素,許多的職業、商品、行銷、購物......都是繞著以「妝扮」為主軸所延伸出的行為或物件來操作,如美容、服飾、塑身、配件......等等。因而引起筆者對於這方面的題材產生創作研究上的興趣。 第一章闡述的是創作研究動機與目的、研究內容與範圍、研究與創作的關係,選擇以「妝‧扮—百變芭比」作為創作主軸,是重溫舊夢的一種表述,也是成長軌跡的回溯與反芻;藉著藝術上的創作上的表現,得以確認、深化內在情感與思維,也試著梳理自身的創作根源,探究作品形、質的關聯,並著力於追尋筆者內在的原型。 第二章為創作脈絡與學理基礎探討,探究女性妝扮文化的演變及看法、商品塑造與消費的影響、大眾流行文化與藝術對於時尚潮流,妝扮之間的互相牽引關係。藉著資料的分析與整理,提供筆者創作上的思想理論根據。 第三章探討中西方女性圖像,以及時尚插畫在藝術中所扮演的角色,透過觀察、體驗、研究,剖析其作品風格,並將研究內容與自身創作相互對照結合並運運用之。 第四章深入剖析自我創作時,妝.扮系列的作品題材構思來源、創作理念、構圖形式上的佈局及空間位置的經營,並將工筆融合膠彩,創作方法與特殊技法的嘗試留下紀錄。 第五章為作品分析,從美學、哲學、流行文化的觀點,檢視個人的創作與論述,將研究心得具體呈現在筆者作品上,並將「妝‧扮—百變芭比」系列作品,逐一說明分析。 第六章為本創作論文的結論,是筆者在創作研究期間的心得與檢討,對於未來創作上的期許與發展的可能性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this study is “makeup performance,” covering not simply the cosmetics and dress but also all forms of decorating the entire female body. This concept includes hair-styles, fashion paraphernalia, decoration and coloring of different body parts, such as hair, eyebrows, and finger nails. Almost every little girl plays with the Barbie dolls some time during their childhood. They will decorate these dolls with different “makeups.” When they grow up and enter the society, they find this play of “makeup,” or makeup performance, an important element in pop culture and fashion trends. Many careers, commodities, marketing and purchasing activities are developed around the behaviors and objects related to the makeup performance in one way or another: for example, cosmetics, costumes, body building, and fashion paraphernalia, etc. This observation formed my preliminary interest in pursuing the creative investigation of this subject. The first chapter of this study describes the motivation, objective, range, and the relationship with creative works of this research. This subject, “Makeup Performance and Changeful Barbie Dolls,” represents my remembering the past and reflecting on the personal growth. Through the creative performance of art works, I can recognize and highlight the inner sentiments and thoughts. I also try to delineate my personal sources of creative activity, investigate the relations between form and content in my works, and search for the inner proto-type in my mind. The second chapter aims to establish the theoretical foundation of this study. Here I discuss the evolution of the makeup culture of females, trace the shaping of commodities and consumer culture, and analyze the interactive relationship among pop culture, art, fashion, and makeup. The analysis and structuring of relevant documents will provide a theoretical base for my creative works. The third chapter discusses the female images and icons of in both Eastern and Western culture. Here the study also analyzes the role of fashion illustration in art. Through the observation, experience, research, and analysis of different styles of art works, I will establish the connection of this study and my personal creative thoughts and integrate them in my creative works. The primary concerns of the fourth chapter are the ideals and practices of creation. Here the study will record the process of formulation, the establishment of the comic and cartoon styles, the utilization of the decorative, and the combination of meticulous styles and other special techniques in the practical artistic works of my “makeup performance” series. The fruit of my creative works will be analyzed in the fifth chapter. Here I will adopt different perspectives from aesthetics, philosophy, and pop culture to examine these works from my “Makeup Performance: Changeful Barbie Dolls” series and explain and analyze how they are realized. The sixth chapter will conclude and review this study and explore its possible extension and application in future creative works.en_US
dc.subjectMakeup Performanceen_US
dc.title妝‧扮 —陳苾文的百變芭比創作論述zh_TW
dc.titleMakeup Performance and Changeful Barbie Dolls—Creative Works and Discourseby Chen Bi-wenen_US

