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企業在履行社會責任時,已不只是單純從慈善、回饋等作為出發點,甚至成為展現企業「永續經營」企圖心的舞台,透過環境、社會、治理 (ESG) 等面向,以「當責」的態度,與社會與環境和平共處。台泥是臺灣第一間上市公司,過去給人的印象是掠奪環境資源、高污染的傳統產業。近年來台泥積極轉型,在許多CSR大獎上取得佳績,可說是傳統產業轉型的典範,其中又以台泥和平廠及DAKA生態循環園區的設立,作為企業推動永續經營的先驅及實驗場域。台泥不只是對外的形象包裝,同時也有系統地將永續理念深根至各部門員工,以提升整體環境素養。本研究以台泥和及DAKA園區為例,釐清企業發展永續的過程,及員工環境素養培力的成果。研究採用問卷調查法進行環教素養的探討。資料分析結果,顯示以台泥和平分公司員工與對照組相比,在環境素養各向度上,皆有較優異的表現。分析原因,和平分公司作為台泥發展永續策略的實驗場域,營造永續環境之氛圍,並與社區和平共處,進而帶動員工提升環境素養。然而研究也發現,部分族群及推動的方式,呈現相對較不積極的態度,因此透過這些區塊的調整,將有助於企業推動永續績效上事半功倍。
When a company implements its social responsibilities, it has not only started donating and giving back, but has become a stage to show the vision for “sustainable management”, through the aspects of environment, society, and governance (ESG), with “accountability” to peaceful coexistence with society and the environment.TCC is the first IPO company in Taiwan. In the past, TCC gave people the impression that plundered resources and high pollution. In recent years, TCC has been transforming and won many CSR awards. It has become a good role model of traditional industries, especially in Heping Branch and DAKA , they are pioneers and laboratories for sustainable management in TCC. CSR is not only an image packaging for the company but also improves the environmental literacy of employees. This study takes TCC Heping Branch and DAKA, to find out the journey of corporate sustainability and employees' environmental literacy training effect. The study used the questionnaire survey method to discuss employees' environmental literacy. The results showed that the employees of the TCC Heping Branch had better performance in all dimensions of environmental literacy. Analyzing the reasons, Heping Branch as an experimental site for TCC's sustainable development strategy, creates an atmosphere of a sustainable environment and peaceful coexistence with the community, thereby driving employees to improve their environmental literacy. However, the research also found that some groups and methods in employees are relatively less positive. Therefore, the adjustment will help enterprises to promote sustainable performance getting better.



企業永續, 環境素養, 企業社會責任, 台泥, DAKA, Corporate Sustainability, Environmental Literacy, CSR, TCC, DAKA





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