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因應高齡化時代急遽加速的到來,為高齡者安排妥當的照護是勢在必行,我國教育部自2017年開始推行大學社會責任實踐計畫,並於2018年正式連結高教深耕計畫,在各大專院校實施辦理大學社會責任計畫活動,本研究主要探討大學社會責任計畫對於社區高齡者在活動參與投入及社會責任知覺之相關情形。 本研究以國立臺灣師範大學、國立陽明大學、臺北醫學大學所舉辦的大學社會責任活動之高齡者為主要對象,採立意抽樣法並以網路問卷及現場發放問卷,進行問卷調查。總計回收共問卷297份,有效問卷數為295份。問卷回收後以描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關等統計方式進行分析,所得研究結果如下:一、參與者主要以女性、70-74歲、國中(含)以下學歷及已婚為主要對象,活動種類則以健康體適能最多人參與;二、參與者在活動參與投入上會因其性別、年齡與教育程度的不同,感受也不相同,並且在參與學習成效上以課程學習活動達顯著;三、參與者在社會責任知覺感受會因其性別、年齡、婚姻與教育程度的不同,進而有所不同感受;四、活動參與投入與社會責任知覺兩者間,均呈現中度以上之相關性,又以「參與學習與成效經驗」及「道德責任」呈現高度相關性。本研究以量化研究方式,針對參與大學社會責任活動的高齡者進行探究,建議未來可加入質性研究的方式,並將地區與計畫類型擴大至不同學校、區域,使其研究更加完善,以促使大學善盡社會責任。
In response to the early arrival of the aged society, arranging appropriate caregiving measures for older adults is paramount. The Ministry of Education commenced the project of University Social Responsibility (USR) in 2017 and officially joined the project with the Higher Education Sprout Project in 2018. Events relevant to USR have been hosted in various higher education institutions. This study discusses the relationship of the USR project with community older adults’ participation and commitment in said events and social responsibilities. In this study, older adults who had participated in the USR held by National Taiwan Normal University, National Yang-Ming University, and Taipei Medical University. The idea was derived from information that was gathered from online and also on-site questionnaires. The number of valid questionnaires was 295. Statistical analysis such as the establishment of sample t test, single-factor variance analysis and Pearson’s product variance correlation, the research results obtained are as follows. Frist, older adults who participated in the USR are mainly female, 70-74 years old, below middle school and married. The main target, the type of activity is the most people participating in physical fitness. Second, older adults’ participants appeared to have good activities and social responsibility, whose feelings differed depending on the of gender, age, education, and marital status. Third, the two dimensions, activities and social responsibility, all show a moderately positive correlation with one another. Furthermore, there were also high positive correlations between "participation learning and effectiveness experience" and "moral responsibility". This study uses quantitative research methods to explore older adults who participate in the USR. It is recommended that qualitative research methods be added in the future, and the types of regions and projects will be expanded to different schools and regions to make their research more complete and promote university research. Do social responsibility.



大學社會責任, 高齡者, 活動參與, 社會責任知覺, university social responsibility, older adults, activity participation, measuring university social responsibility





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