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本研究之目的在於探究水肺潛水教練持續休閒參與的原因及專業發展、遊憩專業化與認真休閒之間的行為關係、從休閒活動成變工作時的轉折因素,以及成為工作之後,其工作與休閒之間的關係,以深入瞭解水肺潛水教練從休閒參與到工作後之整體休閒行為模式。本研究採取質性研究方法,以滾雪球抽樣方式取得8位符合研究條件之專職水肺潛水教練為研究對象,利用半結構深度訪談蒐集資料,並以紮根理論分析法進行資料分析;最後依據各階段行為建構出水肺潛水教練休閒行為模式。 研究結果發現水肺潛水教練皆能經由阻礙協商、內在驅力及外在刺激的影響而進入持續參與歷程。其次研究發現專業發展、遊憩專業化與認真休閒皆為知識與技能上的線性向上發展歷程,並且都有職業發展的可能,以及能形成獨有之社交圈。再者,擁有水肺潛水教練資格之休閒參與者因個人工作的不適與意外的插曲產生工作轉換的契機,加上受到個人興趣、工作特性等內外在因素的影響而促使其成為專職水肺潛水教練。最後,初始的參與動機及認真休閒涉入時間的長短會影響成為專職工作後的工作與休閒關係。
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship among the professional development, recreation specialization, and continuing leisure participation of professional scuba divers. Moreover, the theory of the distinction between the idea of work and leisure, especially from the serious leisure point of view, was used as the primary theoretical construct to re-examine the working/leisure behavior of scuba divers. A qualitative approach was utilized as the fundamental methodology for this study, and in-depth interviews and ground theory were served as the primary method for data collection and analysis. Totally 8 interviewees were recruited for exposing their professional diving experience through snowball sampling technique. From the result of data analysis, the following statements have been achieved: First, both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation play important role in becoming professional divers and affecting their leisure participation, as well as the factor of negotiation of constraints. Yet, extrinsic factors, such as negative feedback, are able to facilitate the transformative recognition toward the idea of scuba diving between work and leisure. In addition, there is a positive liner relationship among the professional development, recreation specialization, and serious leisure of professional scuba divers, and further, the initial motivation of participation and the length of involvement duration occupy critical position in determining the meanings of work/leisure in scuba diving experience.



動機, 專業發展, 遊憩專業化, 認真休閒, 質性方法, motivation, professional development, recreation specialization, serious leisure, qualitative approach





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