

本研究以質性研究取向,訪談三位全盲大學畢業生及八位影響其就業轉銜的重要人士,探究全盲大學畢業生之就業轉銜需求。以下說明本研究的結論。 本研究發現,刻板印象經常是影響就業目標的設定,甚至左右就業轉銜歷程的發展。在就業轉銜歷程中,研究參與者在工作、交通及休閒活動等三方面產生就業轉銜需求及因應。在工作方面,能否找到工作,與研究參與者之求職態度與方法,及雇主用人之偏好有極大的關係;培養工作技能的關鍵在於以自我決策之人格特質來運用環境資源;能否獲得職務再設計服務的重要因素是提早進行職務再設計之服務、主管同事或朋友的協助,及自己對職務再設計的瞭解或提出適當職務再設計的方式。在交通方面,他們需要學習定向與行動技能,居住於鄉村者更需要公車服務。在休閒活動方面,研究參與者運用良好的人際關係從事多樣的休閒活動,以調劑就業生活。此外,本研究亦針對研究限制與未來學者提出建議。
We studied the school-to-work transition needs of blind college graduates in this qualitative research. The data was collected within 14 months. We interviewed 3 blind college graduates and 8 persons who were helped them during the transition process. Our main conclusions were as the following. We found that stereotypes affected what kinds of work they wanted, and the development of their transition process. The 3 blind college graduates had their specific transition needs, which could be categorized into 3 domains. First, they needed a job. The attitudes and methods of their seeking jobs and the consideration of the employers took important roles in blind college graduates’ getting jobs. 3 blind college graduates acquired work skills by employing related resources in self-determining ways. They needed job accommodation services as well. They would have such serv ices by proposing proper solution, asking related agencies to providing such services, or getting support from colleagues, employers and friends .Secondly, they needed transportation. Therefore, they learned orientation and mobility skills, and country-dwellers had stronger needs in bus services than town-dwellers did. Finally, they also needed recreational activities. Hence, they enjoyed a variety of recreational activities with friends to make their lives more pleasant. In addition, we stated some research limitation, and had some suggestions for future studies.



就業轉銜需求, 大學全盲畢業生, 刻板印象, 質性研究, the school-to-work transition needs, blind college graduates, stereotypes, qualitative study





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