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本研究透過瞭解不同性別體育教師的性別角色認知與性別認同的差異,配合ARCS動機理論瞭解理解式球類教學法的設計與實施中促進學習者學習動機的策略,分析教學時師生互動的差異及學習者學習動機的改變情形;選取臺北市四所國中各一名體育教師,兩位為男性,兩位為女性共四位,進行8週理解式球類教學,先由性別角色認知及性別認同問卷瞭解4位教師性別刻板及性別認同程度以瞭解教學設計中ARCS學習動機的策略異同,並透過CAFIAS觀察教學時師生互動情形,經由學習動機量表瞭解其學習者學習動機改變情形;採文件分析、半結構訪談、系統觀察及問卷調查等研究方法進行資料蒐集並分別進行扎根理論、百分位數及重複樣本t檢定等資料分析,結果如下:一、四位教師於性別角色認知上未顯現性別刻板情形;男教師A呈現「男性化」特質,男教師B及女教師C都是呈現「兩性化」特質,D教師呈現「女性化」特質。二、「男性化」、「女性化」教師於ARCS中考量「切身相關」、「獲得滿足」高於「兩性化」教師;「引起注意」動機要素則低於「兩性化」教師。三、由CAFIAS系統觀察工具發現 「男性化」、「女性化」教師於「提問」比例上高於「兩性化」教師,於「提供訊息」、「指示」比例上則低於「兩性化」教師。四、「男性化」、「女性化」教師班級學生於教學前後ARCS中的「引起注意」達顯著差異;「兩性化」教師班級學生於「整體動機」、「建立信心」、「獲得滿足」達顯著差異。體育教學非須採生理性別區分,建議可先瞭解教師性別角色認知及性別認同後進行教學設計的研究,以期發展不同的教學理論與教學方法。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of the gender role cognition and gender identity between different gender PE teachers, and investigated the difference of the ARCS strategies to promote learning motivation, teacher-pupil interaction and learning motivation in 8 weeks TGfU teaching with four junior high school teachers (two male, two female) and their classes in Taipei City, and analyzed teacher-pupil behavior with CAFIAS. The research methods including documentary research, semi-structured interview, systematic observation method, questionnaire, and the data analyzed through grounded theory, percentile, repeat sample t test. The results were derived as the follows: The gender consciousness of the junior high school teachers appeared to be more flexible and adaptable, and one male was masculinity, one male and one female teacher were androgynous and one female teacher was feminization. The masculine teacher and feminine teacher cared “Relevance” and “Satisfaction” more than androgynous teachers, and androgynous teachers cared “Attention” more than 2. The masculine teacher and feminine teacher. The masculine teacher and feminine teacher gave “Asks Questions” more than androgynous teachers and gave “Give Information” and “Give Directions” lower than androgynous teachers in TGfU teaching with CAFIAS. It was significant differences with “Attention” in the classes of masculine teacher and feminine teacher, and were significant differences with “Over all motivation”, “Confidence” and “Satisfaction” in the classes of androgynous teachers with ARCS.



性別角色認知, 性別認同, 學習動機, 師生互動, TGfU, Gender role cognition, gender identity, learning motivation, teacher-pupil interaction, TGfU





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