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Easel painting involves extremely rich colours and conveys powerful visual impact. It not only is appealing to viewers, but also functions as an inspiration to people. Around the Renaissance period, easel painting became the major painting technique in Western countries and has been the most influential art form throughout the world since. However, with the emergence and expansion of new media art during the last century, easel painting has merged with new media art to become one of the multiple art forms. The dominant position of easel painting begins to be challenged; furthermore, it takes a fatal blow from the rise of conceptual art.While some artists declare that the “painting is dead”, this statement has neither received much advocates, nor has the flow of the history diverted towards this direction. After all, painting is the mother of all art and the indispensable prototype of contemporary artistic expression. This thesis argues that where there is a society, there is a need for art. The easel painting will exist in eternity as long as the society requires beauty and art.Nonetheless, easel painting calls for a disruptive innovation to maintain its existence in the contemporary society, which is constantly evolving. Thus, several questions appear in this thesis: will there still be territories for easel painting to expand under the impact of conceptual art? How could it be done? Will there be a medium which gives rise to the revival of easel painting, and what kind of medium would it be?This thesis adopts the document analysis method. First, different researches are explored and relevant theories are discussed to seek for possible solutions. Then, this thesis attempts to build a bridge between art theories and the imagery of expressions in order to integrate the theoretical content and the creation. Lastly, this thesis incorporates the author’s thirty-year-experience as a judge with the process, analysis, background of the creation, and the aesthetic experience of life. This integration is transformed into a personal concept and style to evoke the reflection and development of the creativity process.
Easel painting involves extremely rich colours and conveys powerful visual impact. It not only is appealing to viewers, but also functions as an inspiration to people. Around the Renaissance period, easel painting became the major painting technique in Western countries and has been the most influential art form throughout the world since. However, with the emergence and expansion of new media art during the last century, easel painting has merged with new media art to become one of the multiple art forms. The dominant position of easel painting begins to be challenged; furthermore, it takes a fatal blow from the rise of conceptual art.While some artists declare that the “painting is dead”, this statement has neither received much advocates, nor has the flow of the history diverted towards this direction. After all, painting is the mother of all art and the indispensable prototype of contemporary artistic expression. This thesis argues that where there is a society, there is a need for art. The easel painting will exist in eternity as long as the society requires beauty and art.Nonetheless, easel painting calls for a disruptive innovation to maintain its existence in the contemporary society, which is constantly evolving. Thus, several questions appear in this thesis: will there still be territories for easel painting to expand under the impact of conceptual art? How could it be done? Will there be a medium which gives rise to the revival of easel painting, and what kind of medium would it be?This thesis adopts the document analysis method. First, different researches are explored and relevant theories are discussed to seek for possible solutions. Then, this thesis attempts to build a bridge between art theories and the imagery of expressions in order to integrate the theoretical content and the creation. Lastly, this thesis incorporates the author’s thirty-year-experience as a judge with the process, analysis, background of the creation, and the aesthetic experience of life. This integration is transformed into a personal concept and style to evoke the reflection and development of the creativity process.
藍色覺思, 架上繪畫, 觀念藝術, 表現主義美學, 正義, azure reflection, easel painting, concepual art, expressionist aesthetics, justice