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本研究目的在瞭解新北市某國中學生愛滋病防治知識、態度及預防行為意圖的現況及其相關因素。本研究採立意取樣,選取104學年度就讀新北市立某國中之七、八年級學生為研究對象,研究工具採自填之結構式問卷,共得有效問卷458份,回收率92.3%。研究結果歸納如下: 一、研究對象在愛滋病防治知識的答對率為70.7%,屬於中上程度的瞭解;在愛滋病防治態度中,愛滋病預防態度和對愛滋病感染者接納態度皆呈現正向;而在愛滋病預防行為意圖表現較為正向,對愛滋病關懷程度較差。 二、愛滋病資訊來源來自「人」的項目以老師上課告知、專家到校演講居多;來自「平面媒體」的項目以書籍或宣導手冊居多;來自「電子媒體」的項目以網路、教學影片或DVD光碟佔多數。 三、「年級」在愛滋病防治知識有顯著差異;「性別」在愛滋病預防行為意圖有顯著差異;「在校學業平均成績」在愛滋病防治知識、態度及預防行為意圖有顯著差異。 四、研究對象的愛滋病防治知識、愛滋病防治態度、愛滋病預防行為意圖、對愛滋病關懷皆呈現顯著正相關。 五、研究對象之「性別」、「在校學業平均成績」、「愛滋病預防態度」及「對愛滋病感染者接納態度」皆能有效預測愛滋病預防行為意圖,其中以「愛滋病預防態度」最具影響力;而「性別」、「愛滋病預防態度」、「對愛滋病感染者接納態度」皆能有效預測對愛滋病關懷程度,其中以「對愛滋病感染者接納態度」最具影響力。
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the knowledge of AIDS prevention, attitudes and behavioral intentions among junior high school students in New Taipei City. Participants were 7th and 8th grade students enrolled in a single junior high school in New Taipei City. A self-designed questionnaire was used to collect data. Contents included background information, knowledge, attitudes and behavioral intentions on AIDS prevention. A total of 458 effective questionnaires were collected. The results are summarized as follows: 1.Subjects had a median high level on AIDS prevention knowledge with an average score of 70.7%. Subjects' attitude toward AIDS prevention and acceptance of HIV- infected persons were positive. Subjects showed positive behavioral intensions of AIDS prevention but had less concern on HIV-infected persons. 2.Subjects' main information sources of AIDS came from teachers and expert speeches in school. Books and AIDS prevention guide were major information sources of print media. Internet and training videos were the main information sources of electronic media. 3.AIDS prevention knowledge had significant differences between grades; AIDS preventive behavioral intentions had significant differences between gender; AIDS prevention knowledge, attitudes and behavioral intentions had significant differences with subjects' grade point average in school. 4.AIDS prevention knowledge is positively correlated with attitudes and prevention behavioral intensions and the concern of persons with AIDS. 5.Gender, grade point average in school, AIDS prevention attitude and attitude to accept HIV-infected persons can effectively predict behavioral intentions. Among these factors, AIDS prevention attitude is the most influential; gender, AIDS prevention attitude and attitude to accept to HIV- infected persons can effectively predict the concern of persons with AIDS. Among these factors, attitude to accept HIV- infected persons is the most influential.



國中學生, 愛滋病防治知識, 愛滋病防治態度, 愛滋病預防行為意圖, junior high students, AIDS prevention knowledge, AIDS prevention attitudes, AIDS prevention behavioral intentions





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