
dc.description.abstract台灣有逾百座小型島嶼,相對隔離之地理位置、具有較脆弱的生態系及獨特的文化,在政治與經濟發展上相對弱勢。為推動離島開發建設,政府於公元2000年制訂「離島建設條例」、設立離島建設基金執行相關建設;復於2005年公布「促進離島永續發展方針」作為申請該建設基金之審議原則。本研究探討此種公共政策之制訂與推動過程中,形諸於文字之「永續發展」理想,對於決策參與者 (包括地方政府計畫提案及執行者)之環境意識(知識、感受、價值、行為等)及決策行為有何相互影響。 研究方法採文件分析及訪談問卷,以金門島及澎湖群島為案例,分析比較2000-2005及2005-2010年兩階段離島建設基金補助趨勢。在環境意識調查上採用問卷調查法,以金門島與澎湖群島通過2009年離島建設基金補助計畫之101位決策參與者進行調查,有效問卷為70份。統計軟體採用SPSS19.0進行分析,主要分析工具有次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、t考驗(獨立樣本)、單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA)(獨立樣本)、Scheff事後檢定、卡方檢定(χ2百分比同質性考驗)、及校正後標準化殘差值事後檢定。 研究發現 (1) 明確的島嶼永續發展指導方針,可使決策參與者因業務需求與練習,而提昇環境意識;(2) 決策者面臨地方壓力及硬體建設之期待,即使有違永續發展理念,仍試圖置入決策;(3) 離島發展決策參與者的環境知識需加強;(4) 決策參與者擁有對環境有利的價值觀,但並不會促使離島決策參與者從事利環境行為;(5) 離島發展決策參與者在工作中較會表現利環境行為,平日生活則否。 地方決策參與者之環境態度與價值觀具有關鍵影響力。此研究亦顯示永續發展的「社會學習」過程對島嶼之永續發展十分重要。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn addition to the main island Taiwan, there are more than one hundred small islands surrounded; most of which are located relatively remote and isolated geographical position, possess vulnerable ecosystems and unique culture, and relatively disadvantaged in the status of political economic development. In order to promote islands development, an ‘Offshore Islands Development Act’ was promulgated on April 5, 2000 by which a development fund for small islands was established. A further policy entitled ‘Guidelines for Promoting Sustainable Development on Offshore Islands’ was announce in 2005. In this study, we tried to understand whether there is significant the influence of this ‘sustainable development’ policy in written document and funding practices upon decision-making process; and at what extent that the environmental consciousness of policy participants have influenced the decision-making behaviors in the process of promote sustainable development projects for small islands. Two largest island groups, Kinmen and Penghu, are target research area. The methods applied in this study include documents analysis by comparing the major development projects between 2000-2005 and 2005- 2010 (before and after the SD guidelines), questionnaire and in-depth interview on policy participants from two island groups. The research design is mainly by questionnaire survey. The method for sampling by policy participants, join 2009 ‘Offshore Islands Development Fund’ Support programs. 71 samples were polled from 101 Support programs. Statistical software using for data analysis is SPSS 19.0 Windows edition. Analysis variables includes frequent distribution, percentage, average, standard deviation, t-test (dependent sample), one-way ANOVA (dependent sample), Scheff posteriori comparison, χ2(test of homogeneity of proportions), and Adj. standardized residual posteriori comparison. The main findings include, 1) there is positive impacts from clear guidelines for island sustainable development upon decisions-making participants , due to clear discussions in practice which also enhanced their environmental consciousness; 2) however, while there are pressures from local development and public expectation, decision-makers also would try to insert projects into funding application even which might not be sustainable for longer term; 3) islands' policy participants have to enhance environmental knowledge; 4) islands' policy participants don’t have pro-environmental behavior, even they have friendly values to environment; 5) islands' policy participants will pro-environmental acts at work ,in daily life is not. Islands' policy participant personal environmental attitudes and value of local decision-making participants are key factors for making choices on sustainable island development. The study also reveals that a ‘Social-Learning’ process is important for island future.en_US
dc.subjectoffshore islandsen_US
dc.subjectsustainable developmenten_US
dc.subjectdecision-making participantsen_US
dc.subjectenvironmental consciousnessen_US
dc.titleThe environmental consciousness of islands' policy participants and its influences on decision-making processen_US

