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Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal UniversityTaiwan Association for Mathematics Education
Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal UniversityTaiwan Association for Mathematics Education
幾何是高度依賴視覺的學科。了解人們在幾何任務中如何運用視覺資訊,將有助於幾何教育。本文首先簡介了眼球追蹤技術的原理與指標,其次說明15 篇幾何眼動文獻的搜尋方式,接著將期刊論文分成四個主題加以回顧,包括幾何解題與論證、閱讀與學習、口語解碼與媒體設計,以及眼動楷模。每篇文獻回顧了研究法、認知作業與材料、實驗程序,以及研究發現。本文在最後的結論與建議一節,除了從受試者特性、認知作業、幾何材料、眼動儀型態,與眼動指標的選擇來總結這些文獻,也指出眼球追蹤技術目前應用在幾何教育上的限制與突破的方式,同時也展望幾何眼動研究未來值得探究的主題。
Geometry is a highly visual discipline. Understanding how people process visual information when performinggeometric tasks would be beneficial for geometry education. This article first introduces the principles and indicatorsof eye-tracking techniques, and then describes the procedures of paper selection and screening. The third to sixthsections reviews four topics from fifteen papers on geometry education using eye tracking, including problem solvingand argumentation, reading and learning, lexical decoding and media design, and EMME. The research design,cognitive tasks and materials, procedures, and results involved in each study are reviewed. The conclusions andimplications are summarized under three aspects. First, we summarize these studies by the characteristics ofparticipants, cognitive tasks, geometric materials, eye-tracking devices, and eye-tracking indicators. Second, weidentify the limits of eye tracking in geometry education and possible future breakthroughs. Third, future eye trackingresearch topics are discussed.
Geometry is a highly visual discipline. Understanding how people process visual information when performinggeometric tasks would be beneficial for geometry education. This article first introduces the principles and indicatorsof eye-tracking techniques, and then describes the procedures of paper selection and screening. The third to sixthsections reviews four topics from fifteen papers on geometry education using eye tracking, including problem solvingand argumentation, reading and learning, lexical decoding and media design, and EMME. The research design,cognitive tasks and materials, procedures, and results involved in each study are reviewed. The conclusions andimplications are summarized under three aspects. First, we summarize these studies by the characteristics ofparticipants, cognitive tasks, geometric materials, eye-tracking devices, and eye-tracking indicators. Second, weidentify the limits of eye tracking in geometry education and possible future breakthroughs. Third, future eye trackingresearch topics are discussed.