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本研究主要探討消費者在進行購買行為時,會因為被周邊效果影響進而改變對目標產品的評價。在過去已經有許多研究對消費者產生評價及變動評價的原因進行探討,本研究將針對其中Chien, Wegner, Hsiao, and Petty(2010)的解釋範圍模型進行探討並加以延伸。解釋範圍模型中指出消費者對於產品的評價會受到促發物以及所評價之目標物的解釋範圍,其兩者之間是否重疊而有所影響,當兩者的解釋範圍有重疊時,會產生同化效果(Assimilation Effects) ,沒有重疊時則產生對比效果(Contrast Effects)。Hsiao(2002)的互動假設中指出,除了目標物的評價會受到促發效果的影響之外,促發物的評價也會因為促發效果的影響而變動,我們將加入此研究一起進行討論。 以往的研究多針對單一促發物對目標物的評價影響進行探討,在本研究中將把促發物擴增至兩個,且皆為正價促發物。操弄解釋範圍重疊與否的方式則是根據Chien在解釋範圍為重疊模型當中所使用的操弄方式,透過控制促發物的解釋範圍大小、目標物的解釋範圍以及促發物與目標物解釋範圍之間的距離來操弄對比效果與同化效果的產生。本研究共分為四個實驗,採組內設計,因應每個人對解釋範圍大小有不同的基準。 在實驗結果部分,只有假設1的結果是部分顯著,其他皆不顯著。我們認為造成實驗結果不顯著的可能原因有樣本數的不足、問卷相隔時間過長導致受測者回答標準不一樣,然而實驗結果顯示目標物與促發物的方向多數是朝我們預期的方向移動,因此我們認為未來可再針對問卷的設計做更改,及收集更多樣本數,來驗證我們的假說。
The purpose of the research is to investigate the evaluation change of the customers in a specific dimension. Although there are substantial theoretical and research articles focused on the reason why people change their evaluation and context effect between one context and target, the present study is based on Dimensional Range Overlap Model (Chien, Wegner, Hsiao,& Petty, 2010) to have a further discussion. The dimensional ranger overlap model shows the affection of customer’s evaluation based on whether there’s an overlap between target and context. When the overlap exist, the target moves to the same direction with the prime, which is considered as assimilation effects. On the other hand, if there is non overlap between target and context, the target moves into a different direction from the prime, which is contrast effect. The study also makes furtherdiscussion on the reciprocity hypothesis (Hsiao, 2002) that not only the evaluation of the target but also the evaluation of the prime would be affected by the context effect. There are four experiments in this study to discuss the hypothesis, although there was only one result were significant, we can still see that the movement direction of contexts and target were the same way as we expected. Therefore, we believed that using more samples, changing the design of the experiments could prove our hypotheses.



解釋範圍重疊模型, 雙促發物, 促發效果, 對比效果, 同化效果, 互動假設, 最適代表值, Dimensional Range Overlap Model, dual primes, priming effects, contrast, assimilation, Reciprocity Hypothesis, attitude certainty





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