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環境教育的目標為培養出能積極採取行動來解決環境問題的公民,而臺灣近年來社區環境行動不斷,居民在進行社區環境行動時,其過程也在進行環境教育。 行動能力的概念為丹麥學者提出,旨在讓學童從實際的環境行動中學習如何行動,培養批判性思考,並從參與行動過程體會民主的精神。而增能是近年來常被討論的概念,其中心思想為居民藉由對他們認為重要的議題行動,在過程中培養權力的概念,以便能對他們的生活、社區及社會產生影響。因此本研究主要的目的在於以行動能力與增能的觀點,來瞭解社區團體進行社區環境行動的內容,以及從中的學習及影響。 本研究歷經半年,實際參與草山生態文史聯盟的活動,以質的研究法為主,包括參與觀察、個人訪談、文件蒐集與田野札記。歸納分析之後,發現參與社區環境行動的成員所學深受行動的背景與過程影響,而其學習與影響可分為四個面向,包括草盟的學習及改變、教育社區的方式及影響、與公部門交涉過程中的學習,以及對環境行動的看法。 在「草盟的學習及改變」方面,草盟的居民成員原本不知如何是好,感覺自己渺小,組成草盟行動後獲得權力感,並知道如何處理議題,而參與草盟的研究生則對此更為熟練。在「教育社區的方式及影響」方面,草盟以各種方式傳達議題教育社區,使社區居民從不認同草盟到認同,而以草山水道議題來推動社區教育,獲得社區更大的支持。在「與公部門交涉過程中的學習」方面,公部門從不願正視居民的抗爭,逐漸瞭解必須與居民溝通,態度變得謹慎,草盟成為公部門的正面壓力團體。在「對環境行動的看法」方面,成員體會到行動的過程重於結果,居民參與的重要,並知道如何處理與應用專業知識。 最後,根據研究結果,對於地方環境行動、環境教育課程,以及環境教育者應用行動能力概念設計課程與提出建議。
One goal of environmental education is to motivate citizens to take action to solve environmental problems. Many communities in Taiwan have initiated environmental actions in recently years; some have found that the processes of taking action is a form of environmental education in itself. The concept of “action competence” as proposed by Danish scholars refers to letting children learn how to take action, develop critical thinking, and experience the spirit of democracy from actual environmental action. Empowerment is the process in which residents develop the feeling of power to can take action that influences their lives, community, and society. This research aims to understand community environmental actions through the perspectives of action competence and empowerment. The target group of this research is the Tsao-shan Ecological, Cultural and Historical Union. Research methods include six-month participant observattion, in-depth interviews, data collection, and field diaries. After data analysis, this research found that the participants’ learning is deeply influenced by their background of opposition as well as the actual process of taking action. Major findings can be categorized into four aspects as summarized below. 1. Members’ learning and changes: In the beginning, members did not know how to act on the issues and felt insignificant. After they established the association and took action, they felt empowered and knew how to deal with issues they care about. It was also found that the graduate students in this union were more proficient in handling these issues. 2. Methods and results of educating the community: The members tried several ways to arouse other residents’ awareness, and the community gradually turned from rejecting to supporting them. Later they tried to educate the community through the Tsao-shan water supply system issue and won much stronger support from the residents. 3. Learning from the process of negotiating with the government: The government did not want to face up to the community’s protests at first. Then they gradually knew they had to communicate with the residents. Tsao-shan Ecological, Cultural and Historical Union has become a positive pressure group. 4. Opinions about environmental actions: The members realized that the process of taking action is more important than its result. They also came to know the importance of citizen involvement and how to deal with and apply specialized knowledge. Finally, in light of the research results, some suggestions are proposed to local environmental groups, environmental education programs and applications of action competence.



增能, 行動能力, 社區環境行動, 草山生態文史聯盟, empowerment, action competence, community environmental action, Tsao-shan Ecological, Cultural and Historical Union





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