
dc.description.abstract開放式課程(OpenCourseWare)自2002年美國麻省理工學院正式發布以來,引起世界各國廣大響應,大學紛紛以免費公開的方式,將教師上課內容及教材,無償開放在網路上,供大眾分享學習。而當教師進行教學時,或多或少會利用他人著作設計教材,一旦課程須於網路上公開傳輸,教材的著作權問題即造成教師之隱憂。為了解開放式課程教材之著作權問題,本研究首先分析國內外與網路教學相關之著作權與合理使用規定,探討網路教學教材利用之合法性與立法趨勢。並以參與臺師大開放式課程計畫之教師為研究對象,利用半結構性訪談法,了解教師從事開放式課程教學及教材利用之情形、利用開放式課程教材之著作權問題,以及對於開放式課程教材之合理使用的看法。 研究發現,由於我國著作權法中的合理使用權利並未涵蓋至公開傳輸權,網路教學的合理使用因而無可依循之規範;而國際間儘管已有許多國家有限度地於其法律中開放網路教學之合理使用空間,然由於開放式課程全面公開、分享之性質,教師可主張合理使用的空間仍甚小。在教師從事開放式課程教學及教材利用之情形方面,教師肯定開放式課程開放與分享知識之理念,但也為其教學帶來不少侷限;教師皆需藉由圖像、聲音及影像教材輔助其教學,儘管多數教師擁有原創教材,但對他人著作的依賴程度仍高。對於教材的著作權問題,教師普遍認為其利用是基於非營利教育目的而不作他用,應不違反著作權法,但仍依其能力所及,儘量減低可能之侵害;但開放式課程公開傳輸與重製的特性,讓教師仍有承受侵權風險之憂慮,而教師利用他人著作時未完全明示出處、無取得授權的情況普遍,造成導致侵權的可能性高;著作權規定與限制也對教師之教學內容與授課意願造成負面影響。而對於合理使用規定,教師期許立法者及審判者能由教育的角度思考,賦予教師更彈性化的利用;多數教師肯定合理使用具體標準的明確性與客觀性,認為其適用性更勝於現行規範。 最後本研究針對著作權法主管機關、政府教育相關單位、製作開放式課程之學術機構提出建議,以提供作為建立著作權規定或合理使用準則,及協助學校因應開放式課程教學之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) published OpenCourseWare (OCW) in 2002, there has been worldwide reverberation. Universities continually and openly upload courses and teaching materials to the Internet and share with the people to use for free. When giving courses, teachers more or less use teaching materials designed by others. Once these courses are uploaded to the Internet publicly, however, the issues of copyright become hidden worries. To investigate the relationship between OpenCourseWare materials and its copyright, this study analyzes domestic and foreign regulations that are related to the copyright of digital teaching materials and current tendency of legislation. Besides, this study uses methods through semi-structured interviews with teachers who participate in the project of National Taiwan Normal University OpenCourseWare (NTNU OCW) to explore their usage of digital teaching materials and their opinions on issues about copyright as well as the fair use doctrine of OpenCourseWare materials. The research has indicated that the definition of fair use in the Copyright Act has not yet covered the right of public transmission in Taiwan. As a result, there is no regulation on Web-based Instruction while many countries have passed laws allowing limited usage of Web-based Instruction. Legitimatization of OpenCourseWare, however, is difficult due to its characteristic of being public and charge-free. Regarding teachers’ opinions about OpenCourseWare and their usage of digital teaching materials, on the one hand, they praise OpenCourseWare for the idea of knowledge sharing, but on the other hand they also consider OpenCourseWare limiting. Visual and audio materials such as pictures, music, and videos are often indispensible in class. Although most teachers have their selfdesigned teaching materials, they find it hard to avoid using materials designed by others. When it comes to copyright, generally teachers do not regard in class usage as violating the Copyright Act, since educational purpose is not benefit-motivated. They also agree that avoiding violations of copyright is teachers’ responsibility. Thus teachers often have scruples about OpenCourseWare and violations of copyright because of its fundamental trait of being publicly transmitted and copied. Violation of copyright also occurs when teachers usually do not indicate the sources they use in class or seek for authorization. Regulations and limitations in the Copyright Act, too, influence the content of the courses offered as well as teachers’ willingness to offer courses. About teachers’ opinions on regulation of fair use, it is found that teachers expect legislators to define fair use from the educational perspective allowing flexibility to use materials for educational purposes. Most teachers consider the specific fair use criterion clear and objective, more applicable than the currently ambiguous regulations. Suggestions of formulations of legitimate and fair use of Web-based Instruction are proposed in this study, with the goal to assist governmental, educational, and academic institutions and educators with improving future plans of OpenCourseWare.en_US
dc.subjectWeb-based instructionen_US
dc.subjectDigital teaching materialsen_US
dc.subjectFair useen_US
dc.titleResearch on Copyright Issues of OpenCourseWare Materialsen_US

