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本研究從高中國文科初任教師的角度,來瞭解我國在高中國文科素養導向教學上的培育與實施情形,並探討初任教師在實施素養導向教學時所面臨的困境與解決策略。本研究採質性的研究方法,透過半結構式訪談作為資料蒐集取徑,取樣方式主要為立意取樣搭配滾雪球取樣,選取十位高中國文科初任教師作為受訪者,並透過主題分析法進行資料處理與詮釋。  本研究之結論統整如下: 一、對高中國文科初任教師來說,有助於培養素養導向教學能力的師資培育課程多為「教育專業課程」,其中又以「教育方法」與「教育實踐」兩類為大宗。 二、高中國文科初任教師常透過「研習」、「實務社群」、「研究所進修」、「閱讀相同領域名師的著作與影音資料」及「教學以外的活動與工作經驗」的方式或管道,增進自身素養導向教學能力。 三、高中國文科初任教師經常透過設計學習單,並引進外部資料以充實教材內容來發展素養導向教學之教材。 四、高中國文科初任教師最常使用的素養導向教學策略包括「ICT 融入教學」、「議題融入課程」與「差異化教學」,而經常運用的素養導向教學方法則包括「合作學習教學法」、「問答教學法」及「遊戲融入教學」。 五、高中國文科之素養導向評量,形式上經常採用實作評量、學習單、自評、同儕互評與加分機制,內容上強調結合學生生活經驗或社會時事,並注重學生的態度與表達能力面向。 六、高中國文科初任教師進行素養導向教學時,分別在課程設計與教學實施、素養導向評量、制度規定上面臨不同的困難與挑戰。 七、初任教師面對素養導向教學上的困難,解決策略包括:調整備課方式、讓學生瞭解課程活動之學習目的、積極尋求校內外資源,以及調整教學方式或內容等。   最後,研究者根據以上結論,提出對於高中國文科素養導向教學之培育制度及教學實施上的相關建議,供師資培育機構、高中國文科初任教師及未來研究者參考。
This study aims to understand the cultivation and practicing of competency-based teaching in high school Chinese teaching from the perspective of novice teachers. It also explores the difficulties and coping strategies that novice teachers face when implementing competency-based teaching. The researcher adopts the qualitative research method, using semi-structured interviews as the datacollection approach. Ten novice high school Chinese teachers were selected through purposive sampling and snowball sampling, and data analysis and interpretation were conducted through thematic analysis.  The conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: 1.  For novice high school Chinese teachers, the pre-service teacher education courses that help to develop competency-based teaching abilities are mainly "professional courses of education." Under the professional courses of education, "educational methods" and "educational practices" are the two most helpful types of courses for novice high school Chinese teachers. 2.  Novice high school Chinese teachers often enhance their abilityof competencybased teaching through activities and resources such as"workshops," "professional learning communities," "graduate studies," "reading materials and multimedia resources by renowned experts in the same field," and "extracurricular activities and work experiences." 3.  Novice high school Chinese teachers often design worksheets and incorporate external materials to develop instructional materials for competency-based curriculum. 4.  The competency-based teaching strategies are commonly used by novice high school Chinese teachers include "ICT integration in teaching," "integration of issues into the curriculum," and " differentiated instruction." Novice high school Chinese teachers also frequently apply competency-based teaching methods such as "cooperative learning," " catechetical method," and "game-based learning." 5.  The form of assessment for high school Chinese competency-based teaching that novice teachers often adopt are performance evaluation, worksheets, selfevaluation, peer evaluation, and bonus points. In terms of content, it emphasizes the integration of students' life experiences or current events in society, and focuses on students’attitudes and expression abilities. 6.  While practicing competency-based teaching, novice high school Chinese teachersface different challenges in curriculum design and implementation, competencybased assessment, and institutional regulations. 7.  The ways to cope with the difficulties of practicing competency-based teaching for novice high school Chinese teachers include adjusting the methods of lesson preparation, helping students understand the learning objectives of the curriculum activities, actively seeking resources both inside and outside the school, as well as adjusting teaching methods or content.  Based on these conclusions, relevant suggestions are put forward for the reference of the centers for teacher education, novice high school Chinese teachers, and future researchers.



素養導向教學, 初任教師, 高中, 國文科, 師資培育, 教學實踐, competency-based teaching, novice teacher, senior high school, Chinese, pre-service teacher education, teaching practice





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