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長時間從事水域運動的參與者,為獲取相關的水域知識、訓練或技巧,會投注大量的時間及努力,並且對於所選擇之水域運動有著強烈的認同感,這樣的特性與認真休閒的概念相近。而參與者能否達到認真休閒之特徵,取決於個體對活動參與時所具備的態度以及努力程度,因此動機就成為一項相當重要的關鍵。為了解認真休閒與休閒動機之關係,並進一步探討農曆七月的信仰觀念對於個體在參與水域運動時是否具調節效果,本研究採用問卷調查法,並運用偏最小平方法 (PLS) 進行資料分析。研究之初先透過前導研究確認量表內容之易讀性及測量模型之信、效度與整體模型概況。此一部分共招募100位水域運動參與者進行研究,所得結果顯示,假設模型各構念之收斂效度、區別效度及組合信度達可接受範圍,且休閒動機對認真休閒有正向顯著影響。正式施測部分則以游泳、潛水、划船、滑水等水域運動參與者為對象進行調查,共獲354份有效問卷。透過拔靴法 (Bootstraping) 進行結構模式變項顯著性檢定結果顯示,水域運動參與者休閒動機對認真休閒有正向顯著影響 (研究假設一獲得支持)。另透過自變項 (休閒動機) 與調節變項 (文化信仰) 的交互作用進行分析證實,農曆七月之文化信仰對於休閒動機與認真休閒之關係具有調節效果 (研究假設二獲得支持),亦即低度文化信仰水域運動參與者之休閒動機與認真休閒正向關聯性高於高度文化信仰者。對於國內水域運動參與者及相關經營業者而言,農曆七月信仰確實是一項特殊的存在,本研究結果提供給相關的水域推廣單位及業者做為規劃策略之參考。
Watersports devotees tend to invest a significant amount of time and energy in gaining more knowledge of watersports and improving their skills, and, constantly participating in their watersports, they also feel a strong sense of belonging. This reminds one of the concept of “serious leisure” developed by Robert Stebbins. Whether participation of watersports devotees can indeed meet the criteria of serious leisure as outlined by Stebbins depends on their enthusiasm for and commitment to their watersports. In other words, motivation plays a crucial role. To know the relationship between serious leisure and leisure motivation, and to further explore if a cultural belief about the seventh month of the Lunar Calendar (ghost month) has a moderating effect on the participation of watersports, this study used questionnaires to gather data and used partial least square method (PLS) for data analysis. At the beginning of the study, a pilot experiment was conducted to evaluate the legibility of the scale, the reliability and validity of the measurement model, and to provide an overview of the whole model. In this part of the study, a total of 100 watersports participants were recruited for research. The results show that the convergence validity, differential validity and combination reliability of each construct of the model are within acceptable range, and leisure motivation has a positive and significant effect on serious leisure. The official part of the survey carried out surveys on participants in watersports such as swimming, diving, boating, and water skiing, and a total of 354 valid questionnaires were obtained. The test of the relations among the latent variables in the structural model through Bootstraping shows that leisure motivation of watersports participants has a positive and significant effect on serious leisure (research hypothesis 1 is supported). In addition, through the analysis of the interaction between self-variables (leisure motivation) and adjustment variables (cultural beliefs), it is confirmed that the cultural beliefs of the seventh lunar month have a moderating effect on the relationship between leisure motivation and serious leisure (research hypothesis 2 is supported). That is to say, the positive correlation between leisure motivation and serious leisure activities among watersports participants with a cultural belief about the ghost month is stronger than that among watersports participants without a cultural belief about the ghost month. For the participants in the domestic watersports and proprietors in the watersports industry, the belief in the seventh lunar month is indeed a special kind of existence. The results of this study would provide useful references for relevant policy considerations and for marketing strategies in the water sports industry.



農曆七月, 偏最小平方法, 文化差異, 休閒阻礙, ghost month, partial least square method (PLS), cultural differences, leisure constraint





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