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Duda (2013) 結合成就目標理論及自我決定理論,提出教練塑造的賦權動機氣候及削權動機氣候會影響選手的參與動機、基本心理需求及運動行為,因此本研究將探討賦權及削權動機氣候與青少年游泳選手退出意圖之關係,並檢驗團隊凝聚力的中介效果。參與者為215名游泳選手,其中高中選手130名、大專85名,採問卷調查法,經參與者同意後發放問卷。以皮爾森積差相關了解其相關性,並以拔靴法檢驗中介效果。本研究結果顯示:(一)無論高中或大專游泳選手其知覺教練賦權動機氣候與團隊凝聚力呈正相關,與退出意圖呈現相關;知覺教練削權動機氣候與團隊凝聚力呈負相關,與退出意圖呈正相關,而團隊凝聚力與退出意圖呈負相關。(二)大專游泳選手在知覺削權動機氣候與團隊凝聚力的相關程度上高於高中游泳選手,且大專游泳選手在團隊凝聚力與退出意圖的相關程度也高於高中游泳選手。(三)在高中游泳選手知覺教練賦權動機氣候或削權動機氣候預測退出意圖上,團隊凝聚力皆無扮演中介的角色;而在大專游泳選手知覺教練賦權動機氣候或削權動機氣候預測退出意圖上,團隊凝聚力皆具有完全中介的效果。本研究建議高中游泳教練在指導高中游泳選手時,應儘量提升賦權動機氣候及減少削權動機氣候,如此可以直接降低選手的退出意圖;而在大專游泳教練指導大專選手方面,提升賦權動機氣候及減少削權動機氣候將能透過提高團隊凝聚力,進而降低選手的退出意圖。
Duda (2013) integrated Achievement Goal Theory and Self-Determination Theory, proposed that the empowering climates and disempowering climates which created from coaches would affect athletes’ motivation, basic psychological needs, and sport behaviors. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between empowering climates, disempowering climates, and dropout intention and further examined the mediating effect of group cohesion. A total of 215 swimmers (high school = 130, university = 85) were recruited as the participants. After received the informed consent, the participants completed questionnaires to assess their perception. Bootstrapping was conducted to examine the mediating effect. There were three main results in this study. (1) Empowering climates had a positive relationship with group cohesion, and had a negative relationship with dropout intention. Then, disempowering climates had a negative relationship with group cohesion, and had a positive relationship with dropout intention. Moreover, group cohesion had a negative relationship with dropout intention. (2) The level of relationship between disempowering climates and group cohesion in the university swimmers is higher than the high school swimmers. Moreover, the level of relationship between group cohesion and dropout intention in the university swimmers is also higher than the high school swimmers. (3) Group cohesion did not mediate the prediction between empowering and disempowering climates and dropout intention among the high school swimmers. However, among the university swimmers, group cohesion fully mediated the prediction between empowering climates and dropout intention. It also fully mediated the prediction between disempowering climates and dropout intention. Therefore, the high school coaches should use more empowering climates and less disempowering climates, then it would directly reduce high school swimmers’ dropout intention. Further more, the university coaches could use more empowering climates and less disempowering climates to reduce university swimmers’ dropout intention through group cohesion.
Duda (2013) integrated Achievement Goal Theory and Self-Determination Theory, proposed that the empowering climates and disempowering climates which created from coaches would affect athletes’ motivation, basic psychological needs, and sport behaviors. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between empowering climates, disempowering climates, and dropout intention and further examined the mediating effect of group cohesion. A total of 215 swimmers (high school = 130, university = 85) were recruited as the participants. After received the informed consent, the participants completed questionnaires to assess their perception. Bootstrapping was conducted to examine the mediating effect. There were three main results in this study. (1) Empowering climates had a positive relationship with group cohesion, and had a negative relationship with dropout intention. Then, disempowering climates had a negative relationship with group cohesion, and had a positive relationship with dropout intention. Moreover, group cohesion had a negative relationship with dropout intention. (2) The level of relationship between disempowering climates and group cohesion in the university swimmers is higher than the high school swimmers. Moreover, the level of relationship between group cohesion and dropout intention in the university swimmers is also higher than the high school swimmers. (3) Group cohesion did not mediate the prediction between empowering and disempowering climates and dropout intention among the high school swimmers. However, among the university swimmers, group cohesion fully mediated the prediction between empowering climates and dropout intention. It also fully mediated the prediction between disempowering climates and dropout intention. Therefore, the high school coaches should use more empowering climates and less disempowering climates, then it would directly reduce high school swimmers’ dropout intention. Further more, the university coaches could use more empowering climates and less disempowering climates to reduce university swimmers’ dropout intention through group cohesion.
工作涉入, 自主支持, 社會支持, 自我涉入, 教練控制, task-involving climate, autonomy supportive climate, socially supportive climate, ego-involving climate, controlling climate