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法國社會學家Bourdieu認為博物館/美術館的學習行為,並非與生俱有,是必須透過教育而產生出來;諸多文獻也證明多數人初次到博物館參觀,多半都是在學校求學的階段,相關學校和博物館關係的理論與模式亦因應而生。而學校和博物館的合作發展,簡稱為「館校合作」,此型態不但是21世紀博物館的發展趨勢,亦是二十一世紀學校藝術教育發展的新典範。 然而館校合作的型態眾多,究竟何種型態適合台灣?本研究利用實地觀察、文件資料蒐集等方式,剖析英國、美國兩國,館校合作的實務案例,評析、比較出「學校主導」的型態,在台灣實施的優勢;並利用「行動研究」的方式具體實踐,透過訪談、觀察、評量等等資料,檢視「學校主導」的合作型態,在台灣實施的優缺點。 以下則簡述本研究目的、結論與建議: 一、本研究目的為: (一)探討與分析「館校合作」的理論基礎與合作內涵。 (二)藉由國外成功模式評介何種合作型態較適合台灣發展。 (三)透過行動研究建構「學校主導」的館校合作型態。 (四)檢視「學校主導」的館校合作型態實施之優缺點。 二、本研究結論為: (一)透過理論與實務的整合,館校合作的實踐有其基本理論和合作內涵 就理論面而言,館校合作的實施,應從社會教育學、博物館教育和藝術教育三個角度來思考。就實務面而言,館校合作的實施,應與學校課程、學校教師、學生需求、學習評量等等面向,有密切的關聯性。 (二)從英美館校合作的案例,評析出「學校主導」的型態在台灣實施的可行性 英國「學校主導」的型態,歸功於國家課程的制定;美國「博物館主導」的型態,歸功於社會教育的優勢;而國內的教育現況,實施「學校主導」的型態,可行性優於「博物館主導」的型態。 (三)教學者可以透過行動研究的歷程和特質,發展「學校主導」的館校合作課程 學校教師可以利用行動研究的歷程「計畫、行動、觀察、反省」等循環,實踐合作教學的步驟。並可以利用行動研究的特質,「提出需求—尋求溝通—建立共識—雙方互動—共同成長」,與館方建立合作關係。 (四)「學校主導」的館校合作,在台灣有其實踐的優勢,其困境則需要制定政策方能解決 「學校主導」的館校合作,在台灣實踐,有其直接效益和潛在效益的優勢,然而實施的困境,則包括直接問題和潛在問題,必須透過政策的制定,方能有效解決。 三、本研究建議為: (一)給教育決策單位的建議 教育決策單位必須透過博物館學者與學校學者,共同制定課程綱要,並研擬相關配套措施。 (二)給博物館單位的建議 館方成立專屬團隊,有計畫分期進行館校合作的個案研究,以建立館方的合作型態。 (三)給學校單位的建議 學校應建立分享制度,鼓勵學校團隊進行館校合作課程的行動研究。 (四)給學校教學者的建議 學校教師的「生存心態」,必須有所重構,方能落實文化實踐。
Action Research about “School-Leading” Model of Museum-School Collaboration Abstract French Socialist Bourdieu considers that learning behaviors of museum/art museum is not inherent but stimulated by education. Documentations testify that the first time experience of visiting museum for most of people is when they are in schools. Various theories and models about relationship between museums and schools thus are generated. The model of museum-school collaboration is one of them. Particularly, this model not only becomes tendency for developing museums in 21st century but also a new paradigm for developing school art education. However, there are several types of museum-school collaboration, including museum-leading type, school-leading type, and so on. This research aims to find out which model better fits into Taiwan’s educational environment. By observation and documentation, this research analyses cases of museum-school collaboration in England and in the U. S. and concludes that school-leading model is better to be practiced in Taiwan. Besides, by methods used in action research, such as interviewing, observing, evaluating, etc. this study examines the model of school-leading museum-school collaboration and its strength and weakness if applied in Taiwan. 1. Purposes of this research (1)Discovering and analyzing the base of theories of museum-school collaboration and contents of them. (2)Finding out which model of museum-school collaboration is better to develop in Taiwan through referring to successful experiences applied abroad. (3)Constructing “school-leading” model in museum-school collaboration by action research (4)Examining the strength and weakness of “school-leading” model in museum-school collaboration 2.Conclusions (1)Through integrating both of theories and implementations, this research is able to confirm that practice of museum-school collaboration has its base for developing theories and its contents for cooperation. From theoretical aspect, the implement of museum-school collaboration should be emphasizes from perspectives of social education, museum education, and art education. From practicing aspect, applying the model of museum-school collaboration should be tightly interrelated with school curriculums, teachers, needs of students, learning evaluation, etc. (2)By analyzing cases in England and in the U. S., this research is able to conclude that “school-leading” model has its feasibility if applied in Taiwan. The success of “school-leading” museum-school collaboration in England is due to that museum education is set as part of national curriculums, and the success in the U. S. is due to its surpassing social education compared with school education. For Taiwan’s educational situation in current, implementing “school-leading” model is better than implementing “museum-leading” model. (3)Through practicing steps of action research, teachers are able to develop curriculums for the model of “school-leading” museum-school collaboration. Teachers can make use of elements of action research—planning, acting, observing and reflecting—to implement teachings in museum-school collaboration. At the same time, efficiently using characteristics of action research—proposing demands, searching communications, establishing common believes, mutual interacting, and growing all together—teachers are able to development cooperation relationship with museums. (4)The model of “school-leading” museum-school collaboration has its strength if applied in Taiwan, but its weakness needs to be resolved by setting policies. There are direct benefits and potential benefits for implementing the model of “school-leading” museum-school collaboration in Taiwan. However, the difficulties of practicing this model, including problems for now and for long term, need to be resolved through setting related policies. 3.Suggestions (1)To education department in government Education department in government, museums scholars, and teachers should work together to set up standards of curriculums and related policies and systems. (2)To museums Museums should organize special teams to periodically and systematically conduct studies of museum-school collaboration in order to have a better foundation in mutual cooperation. (3)To schools School should encourage teachers to organize teams to do action research about museum-school collaboration and share their accomplishments with each others. (4)To teachers Teachers’ habitus needs to be reconstructed in order to carry out culture practice.



館校合作, 博物館教育, 美術館教育, 藝術教育, 行動研究, museum school collaboration, museum education, art museum education, art education, action research





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