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本研究之目的在探討女子壘球投手,投擲快速球與下墜球兩種球路之運動學特徵 。 本研究對象為五名青年培訓隊選手, 其中一名投手為左投, 其餘皆為右投, 平均年齡 16.32 ± 1.48 歲, 身高 163.5 ± 4.4 公分, 體重 56.6 ± 6.5 公斤,擔任投手時間 3.16 ± 1.71 年。運動學資料是利用 Peak 攝影機,拍攝速度 120 張 / 秒,快門 1/2000 秒。 資料收集完成,利用 Peak Performance 動作分析系統及 SPSS 電腦統計軟體進行分 析比較。 本實驗採用 14 肢段 21 個參考點的人體模型, 肢段參數採用 Dempster (1955) 資料。 本研究得到下列幾點結論:一、加速期結束時,投快速球的重心垂直位置 (0.70 ± 0.05 公尺 ) 要比投下墜球的重心垂直位置 (0.73 ± 0.03) 低。 二、 快速球的平均球速 (22.45 ± 2.90 公尺 / 秒 ) 較下墜球的平均球速 (22.07 ± 2.97 公尺 / 秒 ) 快。 三 、投快速球的動作時間 (0.492 ± 0.026 秒 ) 要比投下墜球的動作時間 (0.505 ± 0.031 秒 ) 短。四、投快速球時的跨步距離 (142.1 ± 9.5 公分 ) 與跨步身高比 (86.9 ± 4.8 %) 分別大於下墜球的跨步距離 (137.3 ± 9.6 公分 ) 與跨步身高比 (83.9 ± 4.4%)。
The purpose of this research was to analyze the kinematics characteristics of pitching fastball and dropball of the female softball pitchers. Five training young athletes served as the subject. One of them was left pitcher and others all were right pitchers. Their mean age, height, weight, and serving pitcher time were 16.32 � 1.48 years, 163.5 � 4.4 cm, 56.6 � 6.5 kg, 3.16 � 1.71 years respectively. One Peak high-speed camera (120 f/s) was used to collect the kinematics data. The selected variable were tested by using the SPSS t-test program. The research adopted the human body model of 14 segment. Dempster's (1955) data was used to calculate the body center of gravity. The results were following: 1.The center of gravity of pitching fastball has a lower vertical position (0.70 � 0.05m) than dropball (0.73 � 0.03m), when accelerating phase ended. 2.The fastball has a faster mean speed (22.45 � 2.90 m/s) than dropball (22.07 � 2.97 m/s). 3.The fastball has a shorter motion time (0.492 � 0.026s) than dropball (0.505 � 0.031s). 4.The fastball has larger striding distances (142.1 � 9.5 cm) and striding /height (86.9 � 4.8%) than the dropball (137.3 � 9.6cm,83.9 � 4.4% ).
The purpose of this research was to analyze the kinematics characteristics of pitching fastball and dropball of the female softball pitchers. Five training young athletes served as the subject. One of them was left pitcher and others all were right pitchers. Their mean age, height, weight, and serving pitcher time were 16.32 � 1.48 years, 163.5 � 4.4 cm, 56.6 � 6.5 kg, 3.16 � 1.71 years respectively. One Peak high-speed camera (120 f/s) was used to collect the kinematics data. The selected variable were tested by using the SPSS t-test program. The research adopted the human body model of 14 segment. Dempster's (1955) data was used to calculate the body center of gravity. The results were following: 1.The center of gravity of pitching fastball has a lower vertical position (0.70 � 0.05m) than dropball (0.73 � 0.03m), when accelerating phase ended. 2.The fastball has a faster mean speed (22.45 � 2.90 m/s) than dropball (22.07 � 2.97 m/s). 3.The fastball has a shorter motion time (0.492 � 0.026s) than dropball (0.505 � 0.031s). 4.The fastball has larger striding distances (142.1 � 9.5 cm) and striding /height (86.9 � 4.8%) than the dropball (137.3 � 9.6cm,83.9 � 4.4% ).