本研究主題為「宅居.生活」(Otaku-like life),主要藉由家居生活的圖像創作來探討自己的生活形態。這種生活形態是一種當代社會現象。由於當今科技發達、網路便利,在家中的生活既安全又舒適,因此出現了一些族群,他們選擇以「家」為生活的活動重心。以在台灣過著這種生活形態的年輕族群作對象來分析,可發現:他們在休閒娛樂上接受了「御宅族」的動漫文化;即使已成年就業,仍像「尼特族」一般生活在父母的庇護之下;平常繭居家中,悠遊於網路的世界,再加上各種便利家電的使用,不用出門也可以辦妥大部分的事務,使他們更加依戀於窩在家中。
瑞士語言學家索緒爾(Ferdinand de Saussure,1857-1913)在過去提出了符號中能指與所指的聯結任意性,這種符號的浮動性在當今廣大的網路虛擬世界更是明顯,新的符號無時不斷地被創立,並被大眾快速地適應接受。家、家庭、家空間,也隨著時代潮流成為可以解構又重組的社會符碼。「宅居生活」籠罩在巨大的網路虛擬世界之下,身體與實存世界直接且主要的聯結只有在家空間,但這裡的家空間已非過去清晰、傳統、規律的家庭載體,而是隨著不同的個人價值觀組構成的主體之存在認同。本研究即以家居圖像與生活中的知覺記憶為材料,藉由創作中繪畫元素的重新排列組合,嘗試創建出屬於個人獨特的家居圖像。
The theme of this study is “Otaku-like life”, which explores the personal life style by image creation of domestic life. The life style is the phenomenon of contemporary society. Due to the advanced technology, convenient network and safe and comfortable domestic life, a group of people treat “home” as the focus of life activities. The analysis on the young groups who have this kind of life style in Taiwan found that, as to recreation and entertainment, they absorb animation and comic book culture of “Otaku group”; even though they are grown-up and have jobs, as “NEET”, they are still protected by parents, and live at home and indulge in online world. By using various convenient electrical appliances, they can manage most of things without leaving home. Thus, they prefer staying at home. Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) indicated the association arbitrariness of “signifier” and “signified” in the symbols. The fluctuation of symbols is significant in modern online virtual world. New symbols are continuously created and immediately accepted by the society. Home, family and domestic space become the social symbols which can be deconstructed and reorganized with time. “Otaku-like life” is enclosed by an enormous online virtual world. The direct and main association between bodies and physical world is in domestic space. However, the domestic space is not the definite, traditional and regular family carrier in the past. It is subjective existence identification upon different individual values. This study focuses on domestic images and perceived memory in lives, and tries to create individual unique domestic images by reorganization of painting in creation. “Otaku-like live” is narrow and dangerous. It is limited to virtual world of thoughts and spirit, and people can easily escape from the reality and will not maintain normal lives. However, by active and positive attitude, people will enjoy the flexibility without the traditional burden in society. Based on this study, the researcher aims to be more flexible and free in life or creation career.
The theme of this study is “Otaku-like life”, which explores the personal life style by image creation of domestic life. The life style is the phenomenon of contemporary society. Due to the advanced technology, convenient network and safe and comfortable domestic life, a group of people treat “home” as the focus of life activities. The analysis on the young groups who have this kind of life style in Taiwan found that, as to recreation and entertainment, they absorb animation and comic book culture of “Otaku group”; even though they are grown-up and have jobs, as “NEET”, they are still protected by parents, and live at home and indulge in online world. By using various convenient electrical appliances, they can manage most of things without leaving home. Thus, they prefer staying at home. Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) indicated the association arbitrariness of “signifier” and “signified” in the symbols. The fluctuation of symbols is significant in modern online virtual world. New symbols are continuously created and immediately accepted by the society. Home, family and domestic space become the social symbols which can be deconstructed and reorganized with time. “Otaku-like life” is enclosed by an enormous online virtual world. The direct and main association between bodies and physical world is in domestic space. However, the domestic space is not the definite, traditional and regular family carrier in the past. It is subjective existence identification upon different individual values. This study focuses on domestic images and perceived memory in lives, and tries to create individual unique domestic images by reorganization of painting in creation. “Otaku-like live” is narrow and dangerous. It is limited to virtual world of thoughts and spirit, and people can easily escape from the reality and will not maintain normal lives. However, by active and positive attitude, people will enjoy the flexibility without the traditional burden in society. Based on this study, the researcher aims to be more flexible and free in life or creation career.
宅居生活, 御宅族, 尼特族, 繭居, 符號, 動漫文化, 圖層, 知覺, Otaku-like life, Otaku, Neet, cocooning, sign, Animation culture, layer, perception